In collage we used to get this one guy who was always stoned to go with us to the store in all kinds of outfits including just a robe that came to his knees no shoes and no belt 
I had a history teacher like that, dressed in a granny tablecloth as a kind of poncho. He did wear jeans though, and sandals.
Their was a professor at my college that dressed like a bag lady and another that was strait out of the 1950's both taught math
LOL, one of my math teachers got a brand new suit one day. Pastel green. The week after he spilled coffee over it. The two years following that, the stain never got out. The green did get more grubby though. He also stank. And was one of those teachers who just come too close explaining. Brrrr, I had to endure him for three years.
My other math teacher was impeccable, and smelled like a dream. If he passed by lots of female students would smile because of the scent.