I'm here. Just not into this site that much. Maybe when I can insult Chair and not feel bad about it. Then I might make more posts. :S Why am I in a mission to hurt his feelings, that I don't know. 
Yeah. Now his stank ass accuses me of trolling. What proof does he fucking have! He doesn't delete accounts either or delete posts.
I won't be posting or making other thread on his forum.
At least I'll admit I have issues and need my meds readjusted. He won't admit he is a jerk and needs his life put together.
I hope he never comes to Miami, I will flip out in panic if I ever meet him in person. I'll either A. beat him up or B. flip out and cry. Most likely I'll do B and call the police on him. I am so tempted to file a police report. I wonder if I should file the police report.
What would you say to the police?
I hadn't planed on what I would say. But it would go like this.
I am filing this police report, because I believe my life is in danger. It is ok for some people to flip out online, but it isn't ok for me to flip out online. I always have to be well behaved and be better than everyone. I am truly afraid that -insert Char's real name here- is out to get me. He is laughing at my miserly and what is happening to me mental wise. I am in danger emotionally, psychologically, and mentally. I know I need my meds truly readjusted, but that might not even help my fears. What can I do to get rid of this fear? He is a true cyber bully. If I was under 18, he would be in so much trouble with Florida's State law. I know I may seem 22, but mentally I might be anywhere from 16 to 18 if I am lucky. So technically, he did attack a teenager. A person with the mindset of a teenager. A person that is mentally ill, neurological disabled/developmentally delayed, with other medical issues/illness/disorders. So I can safely say he abused me online. Even though he is in Canada, we can still charge him with abuse of the disabled. I have witnesses to the event. My friend can even testify how this is ruining my life. My relatives are feeling my pain and are afraid of him too.
I think if I was in Broward, the BSO (Broward County Sheriffs) would buy that story. But Metro-Dade is questionable. I gotta catch them on a "good" day.