"You will submit to the purification of the aspie race, we shall have our own continent proclaimed to be asperiga, full of our superior race with our superior seeds. But those damn pesky inferior NTs insult us with their grotesque plague of society. We shall crush them with our relentless bitching and whining about them, and not really have any practical plan at all to reign our superiority. Our weakness in social interaction plagues our ability to fight this enemy, and they think we're a joke, but somehow we shall prevail. We will make the world in our image and purge all that is undesired, all because I'm a lonely sad git, woe is me, who desperately is seeking a boyfriend free girl, and loves to draw really bad pornographic doodles of my favourite cartoon characters..."
Fuck, I just sounded like the average WP/AFF elitist user. 
Oh hell no, we ban people for that shit.
Don't worry though, I'm just taking the piss. 
But isn't it annoying though when you come across that bitter attitude? I confess I used to think like that, until WP taught me that Autistics are no better than NTs when it comes to behaviour and motives.
Yeah, it pisses me off no end, and I delight in picking them apart over it. Most of our "mature" member base I.E - not whiny whingers, also are quick to jump down the throats of anyone who starts an NT bashing thread now, but damnit, that shit still happens.
'course, I went through a phrase of it too - I think everyone does, before they grow the fuck up.
We tolerate it a little, because, well, we've all done it. They can post it, and we'll pick it apart, and if they persist in not quite catching on that that shit isn't wanted, well, they usually end up leaving.
Same thing happens to creationists - doesn't hurt there that one of our mods is a minister in training.