So, you're trying to say that you spent a majority of your time, on a site, that you felt was INFERIOR??
by your own words.
... you moron!
again, explain to me how that works?
yes, yes i find it inferior.
yes i posted more there
You're not even very good at lying out your ass. 
um, actually im quite good at lying.
i feel i have to let you know tho, i know what your trying to do, and your doing it wrong :]
you have a long way to go, before becoming a "forum jedi", and you really should practice a lot more, before trying to out smart someone like me ;]
your little "rethorical tactics" are charming enough, and would be impressing coming from a forum noob, a kid, or one of the myriads of emotionally driven NT-drones.
you make for a shitty aspie

now go make a post about how much you hate WP, and how hardcore that makes you :]
(you crybaby
