Author Topic: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site  (Read 11878 times)

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #135 on: April 16, 2018, 12:57:54 AM »
Have you changed your stance on this, compared to what you said in 2013? You were fiercer in your reactions agai at Scrap than I was, back then.

Scrap stated there that only the biology mattered. And with lots of girls the body is mature way before the mind.

Somehow this reminds me of my godson, being told off at the hospital for being such a toddler. He had the hight and vocabulary of a four year old. But he had only turned two three months before breaking his leg. Biology signs can tell a lot. But they aren't always right when it comes to estimating maturity.
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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #136 on: April 16, 2018, 01:06:41 AM »
I reckon 13 is really, really, really borderline, not exactly fair game as such, I sure wouldn't go any lower. My ex, I have to admit, I don't know how far into 14 she was (that'd generally be my far cutoff point with 15-16 being a more usual cut-off point), there are SOME girls who are ready for a relationship at that point, young, 13-14, but many will not be. And of course, who the hell can predict WHAT is going to be going on when we throw some spazzdom into the equation.

That, IMO has to factor in somewhere, in terms of a couple of auties hooking up, we don't really tend to see material things as as much of a factor as NTs do, so two people on the spectrum locking onto each other, sometimes its just going to happen IMO, two spesh people, locking on like homing missiles and before you know it, you just need to make sure neither gets hit by any shrapnel.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #137 on: April 16, 2018, 01:24:09 AM »
You only pursue this narrative because you like Zegh and can't  admit to this being a shitty narrative and you hate Scrap so it's okay. No? Yeah, I am not just being contrary an with, you horse's arse.

It's a shitty narrative but it's what Scrap's posts lead to. Hyke did the work:

Grass on the field etc.

Quotes from the thread where it started.
When there's grass on the field, let's play ball.  :eyebrows:

I like it trimmed around the lips, but leave a little patch for daddy.  8)

As soon as there's a handful of titty to play with, I don't care how young she is.  :drool:

As soon as there's a handful of titty to play with, I don't care how young she is.  :drool:
my 13 yo daughters best friend, who is also 13,  has 38dd breasts.  I heard hem talking about it.

Do you have her name and address?? :drool:


I will start you off "Because I, Scrapheap, a middle age man, am interested in the address of a 13 year old girl because...."

13 is the age of consent in Spain. La viva España!  :angel:

When I win the lottery, Spain is on my vacation list.  8)

Defending the idea that fucking around with kids is okay. You best be trolling nigger.

I'm not saying you should fuck kids, I'm saying that a 13 year old who is fully sexually developed, ISN'T a kid, she's a young woman.

The notion that under 18=children is a baseless social construct. Biology determines the difference between kid and adult.

Objection! No thirteen year old is mentally and physically fully developed. Shut the fuck up.

That's not true. A 13 year old getting married was common a scant 150 years ago.

There's places in this world where 13 year olds still get married.

edited, because I had made a mess of the quotes.

And....he also said when they have gone through puberty? Why is that not amoung your quotes? Now if you could let me know how many 10 or 11 year old girls do you know who have gone through puberty? No? Battling?

See that is the difference. Even my quote nested above shows me pouncing on something gross Scrap was saying and calling him to explain. Why? Because of two reasons. Some of what was posted here seems to be Scrap and Lit joking and being gross. No I do not like that kind of humour and I do not condone it. Secondly, there is a bit of inconsistency with different things he says. For all I know maybe he would really love to have sex with a ten year old BUT it is a Hell of an assumption to make.

I would not be silly enough to make it BUT I will take him at his word if he admits to it after clarifying it. I do however see the kind of photos he displays of naked women on here and I do not remember any looking like a young teen or little girl nor for any of them to look underdeveloped or anything but fleshy buxom women.

Clarifying is great. Making accusations of paedophilia is pretty rank and I have been on the receiving end of that. So wouldn't YOU say that has far more to my "defence of Scrap" than arguing for you to be contrary?

I'm not saying anything beyond what Scrap has said. The problem here is that he's said a lot of things that are doubtful at the very least. He will need to clarify his views himself rather than having you grasping for straws and muddying the waters.
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Offline Lestat

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #138 on: April 16, 2018, 03:13:42 AM »
Exactly odeon. We can't just interpret it and expect to de facto be correct. Scrap is the one who needs  to tell us what he meant.

And for banging a 13yo girl....well if she's autistic, if she's really, really cute, if she's very enthusiastic about getting into and staying in a faithful, monogamous relationship, and if there is no exploitation (which I myself just don't have in me, its not a  part of the way I think,comprehension of it and such motives, sure, but its an analysis, not running native code. And I'm just not that kind of person. I couldn't bring myself to do that to a girl, of any age, the exploitation bit. And yeah, I can fall in love. IF ever,a 13yo girl meets me and she is autistic, ideally Kanner's too, and IF there is mutual attraction, IF we both have the logical mind and maturity to handle it, or else at least, allow for my, sort of holding back in order to ask a lot of questions a lot of the time, before things are done. you know, THOSE sorts of things, to make sure she understands the ramifications, and that it is indeed what she truly wishes for under the surface not just on a whim, then yes, I'd be willing, if the person is as right for me as I am for them.

Otherwise, things would stay as friends or business associates etc.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #139 on: April 16, 2018, 05:28:11 AM »
Biggest age difference I've been with (on the younger end, I've also dated far, far older women, someone in her 50s) was 14. Me..about 19 at the time. Autie chick, pounced on me and more or less dragged me off caveman style. As in 'whack over the head, right, once you've recovered, don't forget to bring me back some tender cuts of Smilodon' I could have said no, legally I was meant to, but it just happened (in this particular case I don't think I COULD have stopped it happening, short of seeing her coming fast enough, realizing her intentions and actually hurting her to stop her doing what she was hell-bent on doing, and that I wouldn't do)

That completely reads like it was her fault, you were helpless to stop her, and she raped you against your will. :dunno:

Offline Lestat

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #140 on: April 16, 2018, 06:28:38 AM »
Gopher-there was no 'fault' in existence. It isn't technically true that I was helpless to stop her. I COULD have done so. If I'd have seen her coming (she didn't hang about, just shot over to me like a bullet from a gun, and there being someone in the way, paused briefly to drop him to the floor because he'd stopped to try to talk to her, and she was set on coming for me, firmly implanting her steel toe-capped boots in his groin and leaving the poor sod (don't know him, looked about 25-30 or so give or take) groaning and gasping for air on the ground, writhing in pain and clutching at his freshly lady C-ed ball bag.

Funny as shit. But next thing I know, it was 'WHACK!' and my skull was rebounding off a tree.

Girl doesn't fuck about. Really, she isn't one to do things by half measures one tiny bit.

But no, she didn't rape me, I COULD have stopped her approach, but only if I had decided to unleash actual bodily harm magnitude physical violence against a young girl, I didn't know how old she was, she looked rather young actually, for 14.

She just slammed me into a tree and started shoving her tongue down my throat. But she didn't rape me, and she didn't do anything against my will either. If I had decided to, sure I could have pressed charges and won. But instead, we had locked eyes on each other as she raced towards me like a cheetah on steroids, and there felt like there was something passing between us, in an instant, it was just....I can't explain it. really young looking for 14, 14yo girls that don't even look that, aren't my 'type', but this particular 14yo classic autie girl, she has some sort of 'field' about her, like a fucking superconducting cyclotron magnet, and me a little samarium-cobalt high field permanent magnet pellet.

Effect was instantaneous and impossible to stand against. She just had me from the picosecond I saw her. We were engaged, within perhaps a week, just after the second  time we met, maybe the third, the 3rd being the second time seeing her after she did her whole battle-tank-sexkitten-steamroller part on me.

I could have stopped her. Technically. But only by acting in the worst sort of manner, that a man should never display towards a woman, unless in self defense against a thug. And Lady C is not a thug. She certainly does not fuck about when she decides something like 'I'm going big game hunting today and I'ma bag me a Lestat Rett and make him my trophy'

Only by literally turning on her before she got to me, and assaulting her physically, smashing her with the butt of my gun, headbutting her or something, and that I just could not and would not do. One look, and I was in love, before anything else, just saw her eyes and bang. I knew that we were two halves of one soul.

And while I could have easily pressed charges, why would I do that? you don't bring a court case against the love of your life, someone you've never felt the like about before or since, someone who even now, I am determined to track down, and do my utmost to get it on again between each other. Because, as I said, I just knew something was different about the girl, I don't mean her being spesh, I mean, eerie, spooky different, uncanny different. Two halves of one soul, I knew it then and I know and feel it now.

She is the one who I should spend my last breath beside. There exists another, who if she were to assent and to know, that I could marry, love. But otherwise, Lady C had an effect on me, that I became so utterly devoted to her, that even now, I essentially, belong to her in spirit and heart. And I don't get into relationships purely for the body. It either is worth everything, or nothing in my book. And she HAS my everything. I can't date again, bar perhaps one other, a certain Lady K, if she knew and went for it.

Otherwise, I'm stuck in a no man's land, where no other may walk, for the only one who could walk with me is far from my side. It is a dark, and lonely place, without my fire to warm the way and keep the shivers at bay, and without the light to show the path to walk. So there is none, nowhere to go, and nobody to go with. It is a dark, dark place indeed. Over a decade later, it is no less agonizing a place to be. Rape me....rape me indeed. Lol. She is welcome to do so any time she pleases. I am her property, and belong to her utterly, I will until the day I die.

But, let me make myself perfectly clear. I will only say this the once. Do not EVER speak ill of her like that again. Just don't do it. I bear you no ill will, and nor do I wish to have such forced upon me. She is not a rapist, and please, take back such vile accusations against her character. That has already come up in this thread. Accusations like that carry weight. And against the innocent they still stick and do damage. I won't have her reputation accursed like that. She did nothing wrong, she just  came on somewhat strong, is all.  Rapists are evil incarnate, and there isn't an evil, or wrong bone in her beautiful (even if probably fairly recently at that, 14) body. Grass on the field? no, not physically, but play? absofuckinglutely. And I wouldn't come pelting down a busy high street towards somebody who had raped me, with each of us screaming the name of the other, to crash into each other and embrace in a death-grip of relief at being back at one another's side. Nor would I gently take the arm of a rapist, and allow her to lead me to her home and introduce me to her mother (now that was a bit of a heart in mouth moment, not knowing if her mom was going to find out I'd asked the girl to marry me, she'd said  'yes' and that I'd already got a ring, that she was bringing her fiancee home, nearly 20, her just about 14, probably.

Can't even explain myself, or why I felt what I felt and feel. Not when it was a 14 year old special ed girl I fell for. But fall for her, never mind her rather violent and certainly about as forward as I've ever had anybody be, or heard of, bar a rape, but it was just one of those things, those rare, special, wonderful things that IMO any good person deserves to feel, if even for a moment once in a lifetime, but few, very few, ever will. Society's mores went right out the window,  and I found myself wrapped around said young lady, as contented as a kitten in her arms, purring by a warm fire.

All it took is one touch, and she could exert this weird ass physical control over me, she could turn my mood from raging fire, to as calm and content as a newborn kitten, my eyes drooping, resting in her arms, to passionate, to putting me to sleep, just a touch, and it was weird, whatever she wanted, it'd happen. Couldn't help myself, she could just as easily have sent me to a restful sleep, as if she had wanted to, kindle a nuclear holocaust of fury; if Lady C had wanted bad things done, then I would have become a very, very bad person. Its thanks to her that I'm not. Because that isn't who she wished me to be. Although of course if ever I had had to defend her, I would have had no limits as to what I would have done, up to and including giving my own life, or taking those of many others without hesitation.

Truly, a special woman. So don't ever call her a fucking rapist.

These tracks from Swallow the Sun sum it up perfectly, this cold, dark place without her.

Cathedral Walls:

These Lowlands:

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #141 on: April 16, 2018, 06:56:28 AM »
Have you changed your stance on this, compared to what you said in 2013? You were fiercer in your reactions agai at Scrap than I was, back then.

Scrap stated there that only the biology mattered. And with lots of girls the body is mature way before the mind.

Somehow this reminds me of my godson, being told off at the hospital for being such a toddler. He had the hight and vocabulary of a four year old. But he had only turned two three months before breaking his leg. Biology signs can tell a lot. But they aren't always right when it comes to estimating maturity.

I would like to know what stances exactly you think I have changed and based on what. Both then and now I have asked for clarity and so it is NOT that. I also have stated that joking around that topic is gross and that the idea of older men leeching over girls that are legal but young is pretty off even if it is not illegal which is what Lit used to do all the time and what Scrap seems to be doing (ie when he talks about when a girl has gone through puberty). But I have always thought actual paedophilia is indefensible and because it is such a disgusting thing, I do not like it equated to a person easily or without such clarity. I think that now and I thought it then and you will notice from the quote from there I am asking for clarity. I was once accused of it by Bint. That was a pretty low accusation.

Of course back then Bint had her ears boxed for making such an accusation. Now Zegh does and .... everyone seems to nod their collective heads. Not I. I am able to see enough that warrants asking the question and clarifying some things that were said that looked REALLY off-colour and gross, if they were not admissions and other things that seemed to suggest the contrary. I have known Scrap's posting for a long time and in line with his style I think a lot of what he said is just gross but not meant as a serious talking point.

As an example there is a loudmouth guy with little filter who on a couple of occasions when I had discussed at work with a couple of people that my daughter going on a date or her having a boyfriend, he cracked inappropriate jokes to do with my daughter having sex. On the second time I said quietly.
"Dude, you may want to shut the fuck up about my daughter's sex life right now".
Her meant nothing terrible about it but it was inappropriate and pretty gross. It also was not well received by anyone and despite his effort for it to be amusing there was no one who thought it fun.

So again what "stances" have changed and in relation to what exactly?

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #142 on: April 16, 2018, 07:00:20 AM »
You only pursue this narrative because you like Zegh and can't  admit to this being a shitty narrative and you hate Scrap so it's okay. No? Yeah, I am not just being contrary an with, you horse's arse.

It's a shitty narrative but it's what Scrap's posts lead to. Hyke did the work:

Grass on the field etc.

Quotes from the thread where it started.
When there's grass on the field, let's play ball.  :eyebrows:

I like it trimmed around the lips, but leave a little patch for daddy.  8)

As soon as there's a handful of titty to play with, I don't care how young she is.  :drool:

As soon as there's a handful of titty to play with, I don't care how young she is.  :drool:
my 13 yo daughters best friend, who is also 13,  has 38dd breasts.  I heard hem talking about it.

Do you have her name and address?? :drool:


I will start you off "Because I, Scrapheap, a middle age man, am interested in the address of a 13 year old girl because...."

13 is the age of consent in Spain. La viva España!  :angel:

When I win the lottery, Spain is on my vacation list.  8)

Defending the idea that fucking around with kids is okay. You best be trolling nigger.

I'm not saying you should fuck kids, I'm saying that a 13 year old who is fully sexually developed, ISN'T a kid, she's a young woman.

The notion that under 18=children is a baseless social construct. Biology determines the difference between kid and adult.

Objection! No thirteen year old is mentally and physically fully developed. Shut the fuck up.

That's not true. A 13 year old getting married was common a scant 150 years ago.

There's places in this world where 13 year olds still get married.

edited, because I had made a mess of the quotes.

And....he also said when they have gone through puberty? Why is that not amoung your quotes? Now if you could let me know how many 10 or 11 year old girls do you know who have gone through puberty? No? Battling?

See that is the difference. Even my quote nested above shows me pouncing on something gross Scrap was saying and calling him to explain. Why? Because of two reasons. Some of what was posted here seems to be Scrap and Lit joking and being gross. No I do not like that kind of humour and I do not condone it. Secondly, there is a bit of inconsistency with different things he says. For all I know maybe he would really love to have sex with a ten year old BUT it is a Hell of an assumption to make.

I would not be silly enough to make it BUT I will take him at his word if he admits to it after clarifying it. I do however see the kind of photos he displays of naked women on here and I do not remember any looking like a young teen or little girl nor for any of them to look underdeveloped or anything but fleshy buxom women.

Clarifying is great. Making accusations of paedophilia is pretty rank and I have been on the receiving end of that. So wouldn't YOU say that has far more to my "defence of Scrap" than arguing for you to be contrary?

I'm not saying anything beyond what Scrap has said. The problem here is that he's said a lot of things that are doubtful at the very least. He will need to clarify his views himself rather than having you grasping for straws and muddying the waters.

Except I am not grasping for straws nor muddying the waters. I am saying that there is a need for clarity and there is. I am also saying that much of what he has said seems to be in very gross off-colour humour and not to be taken as gospel.

That is neither muddying the waters nor grasping at straws and it would be muddying the water or grasping at straws to try to strawman what I have said as muddying waters or grasping at straws. Wouldn't it?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #143 on: April 16, 2018, 07:33:19 AM »
Have you changed your stance on this, compared to what you said in 2013? You were fiercer in your reactions agai at Scrap than I was, back then.

Scrap stated there that only the biology mattered. And with lots of girls the body is mature way before the mind.

Somehow this reminds me of my godson, being told off at the hospital for being such a toddler. He had the hight and vocabulary of a four year old. But he had only turned two three months before breaking his leg. Biology signs can tell a lot. But they aren't always right when it comes to estimating maturity.

I would like to know what stances exactly you think I have changed and based on what. Both then and now I have asked for clarity and so it is NOT that. I also have stated that joking around that topic is gross and that the idea of older men leeching over girls that are legal but young is pretty off even if it is not illegal which is what Lit used to do all the time and what Scrap seems to be doing (ie when he talks about when a girl has gone through puberty). But I have always thought actual paedophilia is indefensible and because it is such a disgusting thing, I do not like it equated to a person easily or without such clarity. I think that now and I thought it then and you will notice from the quote from there I am asking for clarity. I was once accused of it by Bint. That was a pretty low accusation.

Of course back then Bint had her ears boxed for making such an accusation. Now Zegh does and .... everyone seems to nod their collective heads. Not I. I am able to see enough that warrants asking the question and clarifying some things that were said that looked REALLY off-colour and gross, if they were not admissions and other things that seemed to suggest the contrary. I have known Scrap's posting for a long time and in line with his style I think a lot of what he said is just gross but not meant as a serious talking point.

As an example there is a loudmouth guy with little filter who on a couple of occasions when I had discussed at work with a couple of people that my daughter going on a date or her having a boyfriend, he cracked inappropriate jokes to do with my daughter having sex. On the second time I said quietly.
"Dude, you may want to shut the fuck up about my daughter's sex life right now".
Her meant nothing terrible about it but it was inappropriate and pretty gross. It also was not well received by anyone and despite his effort for it to be amusing there was no one who thought it fun.

So again what "stances" have changed and in relation to what exactly?

A 13 year old with 38DD's isn't a girl in the physical sense.

Even a 100 year old man would want to suck on those mellons.

100 year old pedophile? What about you personally Scrap? Call me old fashioned but I think when we appeal to things like whether a girl is physically developed, we start running into situations like that little 8 year old girl in Lima who became pregnant. Most girls are not physically developed enough to have kids but she physically was. So therefore it would be ok it wouldn't'.

 You are an idiot if you think underage girl are fair game.

My daughters friend, the one with the 38dds, father has terminal cancer, is a lifetime member of the NRA, loves his daughter and has nothing to lose.

Sounds like he'd be cool with me shacking up with her then.  :green:

Spoken like a pedophile. Well done Scrap. Good job. Perhaps for an encore you could talk of the joys of incest or how laws of consent do not apply with corpses. Yes I know you think you are being funny and naughty and needling for a reaction to call out people being offended. but we aren't. You just sink any credibility you may have here. It is only a small thing....and getting smaller

Derp derp derp derpity derp... You just sink any credibility you may have here. It is only a small thing....and getting smaller

Oh yes, "credibility" on some obscure mesage board full of social rejects is just SSOOOOOOOO important.  :tard:  Internets is serious business peoplez!!!  :tard:

No Scrap. Not important, this is why i said it is only a small thing. The internet is not serious business but (and yes there is a but) a good part of your spare time over the last few years, has been spent here talking with these rejects. If you added the minutes and hours up, at some point you have difficulties saying "Oh it is just some place online I happened across and posted a couple of things, it is of no importance to me."
So let's not try this option as you are not fooling anyone.
If you are trying to tell us that if you have the hots for a 13 year old then it is natural and ok. Then no it is not. Not ok and not cool.
Now I could tell you that it is highly likely that a large breasted 13 year old is hardly likely to "look" like a full developed woman even excusing the fact she has large breasts. As for maturity and the rest of it, it is not even worth contesting. She will look like a little girl with large breasts.
But ok let's say that she did look like a woman then what? She is fair game? Something like that? any 13 year old boy.
But no, you said

A 13 year old with 38DD's isn't a girl in the physical sense.
Even a 100 year old man would want to suck on those mellons.

Do you have her name and address?? :drool:

So this is really just about you favouring girls under the age of consent. Designed by society from a nee to protect young girls from the attentions of primarily, morally challenged, desperat,e middleaged men that might drool over them, from taking things further. it really should not be law, but sadly it has to be pointed out to some people that it is not a good idea. Much like you may think that screwing your mother or female family member may be a good idea, or breaking into mortuaries to have sex with recently dead corpses or screwing animals or jacking off in public sounds cool. None of these things are.

Scrap just because you WANT to do it, doesn't mean it ought to be acceptable or that others ought to humour your sensibilities.

Badger Tom, scrap doesn't make the slightest bit of sense and he knows it. He hasn't for a while. He is not the poster he was way back in the day.

Few quotes.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #144 on: April 16, 2018, 07:41:07 AM »
I like some things in Scrap. And some things I don't. I do not like this bit.

I knew this discussion was what ZEGH wanted to revive, just before he left. He asked for support for that in the shoutbox. And when I said I did not want to play along, he left, with some remark that he was the only one with a sound moral on the whole of I2.

Did not want to play along, because I do not think Scrap is acting on this. And I don't like shit stirring for the sake fo shit stirring.
And if it would come up again, I would react on it.

So, I don't think Scrap is a peadophile. (some peadophiles tell their victims to remove any "grass on the field" to make the kids still look like kids). I don't think Scrap is acting on this. I do think it is impossible and not right to use biological features to see if a girl is ready or not for sex.

Some 12 year olds are seen as 18 year olds. Estimating age can be hard between 12 and 20.

BTW, how does one check whether a 13 yo with a C cup is still in puberty or has gone through it completely? Does that make that the one wanting her should have a degree in psychology to be able to make a proper estimation about her maturity?

Just will not work.
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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #145 on: April 16, 2018, 07:55:18 AM »
Quite, hyke. one cannot be expected to either have a degree in psychiatry and psychology, as well as
expecting the girl too, to have both those things, just so one can work out whether a 14year old, but smoking-the-fuck-hot  and without a shadow of a doubt up for hooking up, is someone you can call 'my sexy little snugglemuffin' and want to curl around and purr, or whether if someone else did the same thing, to a different girl, with different development, you'd kill the overage one yourself.

Things just happen, they do it differently and there is no black or white, its shades of gray.
In my ex fiancee's case, about 50 of them :spazz:

Sometimes a relationship with an underage girl is wrong, sometimes it is what the two people, collectively, want it to be, as right as they wish it to be and as kinky and perverted as the girl asks (or tells you what is going to happen, or just goes and does it (now you  see why I like autie girls? hehehehe, I love it, the way they have tendencies like that where they just don't give a flying damn, and they go for it with a howl at the moon and claws unsheathed. That. Is. Hot. And even if she is 14, picking up your first date with a guy by throwing him into a tree and deep-throating him with her tongue? that too, is fucking sexy. I like a girl to be a tigress, a real panther both in bed and interpersonally, someone who isn't afraid to say 'this is how the fuck its going to be and you are going to fucking like it', and also, all the more so, someone who can, and will stand up for herself, someone fiery and icy at the same time. Violently furiously incandescence barely caged, within an ice-cold vulcan calculating exterior. Its a combination of traits that together, in the same girl I find irresistable.

And Lady C, she had that alright. Thats one special girl, and I don't give a fuck even if someone does think I'm a paedo for getting with her, so long as they keep their trap shut. Fuck 'em, she would have. (not sexually, I mean, as in skull-fucked with a rusty melon-scooper)

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #146 on: April 16, 2018, 08:07:24 AM »
I like some things in Scrap. And some things I don't. I do not like this bit.

I knew this discussion was what ZEGH wanted to revive, just before he left. He asked for support for that in the shoutbox. And when I said I did not want to play along, he left, with some remark that he was the only one with a sound moral on the whole of I2.

Did not want to play along, because I do not think Scrap is acting on this. And I don't like shit stirring for the sake fo shit stirring.
And if it would come up again, I would react on it.

So, I don't think Scrap is a peadophile. (some peadophiles tell their victims to remove any "grass on the field" to make the kids still look like kids). I don't think Scrap is acting on this. I do think it is impossible and not right to use biological features to see if a girl is ready or not for sex.

Some 12 year olds are seen as 18 year olds. Estimating age can be hard between 12 and 20.

BTW, how does one check whether a 13 yo with a C cup is still in puberty or has gone through it completely? Does that make that the one wanting her should have a degree in psychology to be able to make a proper estimation about her maturity?

Just will not work.

Who said ANYTHING about estimating ages or anything of the sort? No one.

Who said anything about Scrap estimating someone's maturity? No one.

I have no idea what you are saying to be honest.

If what you are saying is that acting on paedophilia is illegal repulsive and disgusting, I do not think you will have anyone disagreeing.

If you are saying that some people do not look their age?  Sure but I do not think any one disputed this.

If you are saying that Scrap has said that has talked about liking girls that have gone through puberty then this bares no real bearing on the questions of 12 year olds that look 18. So what if there are 12 year olds that look 18? What about them? What have they to do with Scrap? What have they to do with me and what have they to do with you?

If you are saying that Scrap has said some really off-colour things that need clarifying then yes he has and has said things contradictory. The question is why? I have pulled him up on it before and I will ask him again. But this is not a change of stance so I am asking as to what change of stance.

Could you please help me out with this?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #147 on: April 16, 2018, 08:09:38 AM »
Scrap's grass on the field analogy.... google it if you think there is any doubt as to what it means.

Personally....  I'm all for age of consent laws, and the role they play in protecting the vulnerable.

I'm happy to listen to let Pappy explain what he meant. But for now all I have to go on is what Pappy actually said. Well that and a whole load of waffle....
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #148 on: April 16, 2018, 08:43:37 AM »
Scrap's grass on the field analogy.... google it if you think there is any doubt as to what it means.

Personally....  I'm all for age of consent laws, and the role they play in protecting the vulnerable.

I'm happy to listen to let Pappy explain what he meant. But for now all I have to go on is what Pappy actually said. Well that and a whole load of waffle....

I think you have parroted this over a few times. It looks like waffle. I am well aware that Scrap's nudes he posted are by and large ladies with vaginas that are not shaved. It seems to be a preference.

I agree with consent laws too but I believe that old men dating young girls/women is a bit gross. On my trip to Thailand many a 60+ or 70+ year old man would be seen with a lady in her early 20's. Sure it is legal but it is still gross and I do not much care about whether they have hair on their vaginas or were legal or whatever. It was a bit gross.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: hahaha for a while i forgot all about this site
« Reply #149 on: April 16, 2018, 08:44:30 AM »
Scrap states biological features, like a hand full of titties or "grass on the field" is how to see that a girl is fair game.

I disagree.

It's that simple.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 09:06:04 AM by 'andersom' »
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!