No, just the ones she can score points with.
I wouldn't have thought that people would have to use false innocence to score point here. This place doesn't have those kinds of rules to get around.
Odeon makes a throwaway comment with no backup. Happy to understand exactly 'how' he thinks I want to 'score points'....I doubt I have any alliance or favouritism here for a particular member or members. Hence why I don't get into 'behind the back' PM's about topics, or karma points, without discussing a heated issue in a thread.
As for 'false innocence', I don't think that's the correct term, nor understanding. I will often read threads and think 'WTF'...approach the topic gain answers and an understanding....and my initial opinion or thoughts may be wrong.
Unlike most here, I can say when I was off base. There aren't many other members who admit that. Ever.
Unlike "most" here? How do you know what "most" people here think or are motivated by or what their intentions are?
I never had much theory of mind and would not presume to know what most people think or whatever. I will ramble about such things inanely for post after post but their is that understanding that I MAY be off base completely. Doesn't make my believe or understanding inherently bad or wrong but I am open to be convinced by something that makes sense to me.
Glad to have someone like you here to learn from. You can help with your understanding of what others think and are motivated by.
(Or maybe your understanding of others included in your "most" may not be quite as adept as you believe it to be. Don't worry we are all spazzes here
If you read what I wrote, I
never presumed to know what people here think. In fact, you further prove why I
do ask questions, is to understand better when I way be way off mark.
If you look at the sentence I bolded, I clearly state that I can admit when I am off base, others tend not to, from what I can see. That in it's simplest form, was my statement.
Hardly a reasoning for your comments about me presuming I know what people think. I may ask for clarification ad nauseum, but I do admit when I am off base.