Seriously. Deal with it there.
Mixed feelings. I come here because I feel able to discuss whatever I find interesting. I don't anticipate that my enthusiasms will be shared by all at Intensity. It'd be awful goddamn boring if there
were total unanimity on every single topic. We all of us ought to feel able to talk about whatever we find interesting, so long as it doesn't chip anybody's nail polish over at Hostgator. Including, if it comes to that, events taking place in other fora on the Net.
I'll probably remain interested in WP as long as I'm still a member there. I reserve the right, however, to be bored as batshit when dual AFF/Intensity citizens bring over their dramas, power struggles and arguments about people I wouldn't know from a bar of soap. I certainly won't be forming any opinions, or taking any sides, and I'm damned if I'll join up there just so I can know who is zoomin' who. Bitch all you want, but at least
try to make it halfway entertaining, that's all I ask.

I wouldn't presume to dictate what's okay for anyone else to talk about, and I'd rather not be told what's appropriate subject matter for me.