Apparently we're not suppose to call Lesbians "Lesbians" anymore. They now prefer to be called women in comfortable shoes.
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Box of VHS tapes/movies.ShrekThe Last CastleLittle GiantsLike MikeHolesFor Love of the GameDr. Dolittle 2Remember the TitansThe Mighty DucksFinding NemoJerry MaGuireDexter's LaboratoryThe SandlotAmistad...and a bunch of Robb Thompson & Christian Ministries tapes that I'm going to send to anyone that's bad.
An old wood handled screw driver and a toy train car both about three feet down in walls open to the attic. I pulled them up with a neodymium magnet on a string. [/img]
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!
Yesterday a load of vintage sewing patterns from the 50's to the 80's and a lot of other ephemera from just after WW2 to the 70's including a pamphlet entitled "The Moth and You" from the 40's