
Author Topic: What did you find today?  (Read 72193 times)

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Offline Tigergirl

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #210 on: June 22, 2010, 02:03:08 AM »
She can try this one out next.

It needs stuff though.

I see you have a home cat repair business.

well done old man, well done.  :plus:  :lol:
you run a show called "what not to wear"? I run a show called "I will wear you as a hat", I will wear what I like you bulimic sluts.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #211 on: June 26, 2010, 03:27:34 PM »
Two 4lbs cans of smokeless powered and stuff for reloading shot guns and about 60 lbs lead shot
A bunch of tools mostly Proto brand
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #212 on: June 26, 2010, 11:57:13 PM »
She can try this one out next.

It needs stuff though.

My grandmother had one of those!

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #213 on: June 27, 2010, 07:06:27 AM »
My brother found a toy alien at the beach. Some other kid must have left it there

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #214 on: June 27, 2010, 07:09:26 PM »
My brother found a toy alien at the beach. Some other kid must have left it there

Finders keepers! :2thumbsup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #215 on: June 28, 2010, 03:24:49 AM »
I found a black labrador a couple of nights ago.  I was walking my dog at a bit past midnight and saw the labrador trotting along the pavement on the other side of the road with no owner in sight and wearing a collar and a car harness, so I crossed over and held onto it for a few minutes to see if someone was walking along behind it or running after it.  Nobody came, so I took it home with me and called a mobile number that was engraved on a disk on it's collar along with a surname, but the number was no longer in service and all I got was an error message. 

I left my dog at home, went back out with the labraror and spent a while running around the local area, letting it decide where to go in the hope that it would find it's way home or that I'd find someone who was looking for it or who knew who it belonged to.  I spoke to a few people, none of whom could help, and it became apparent that the labraror was just happy to run around the streets and wasn't in any hurry to go home.  When I got back, mum had come home from a social outing, and she looked up the name in the phonebook and called a few people to see if any of them had lost a dog, but none of them had, although one of them said they'd had a phone call a couple of weeks ago from someone else who was trying to find the same dog's owner.  She called the police too, but the person she spoke too refused to send anyone to collect the dog and didn't even take her details in case the owner called the police to look for it.

We kept it overnight and I slept (unsuccessfully) on the couch downstairs to keep it company.  The next day, while I was catching up on the sleep that I'd missed, mum called the police again and spoke to someone who was more helpful and who took her details, but the officer told her that nobody had phoned too look for it, and if they took the dog, it would go to the local pound and be euthanised if it wasn't collected within 2 weeks, so she decided to try to find the owner herself.  It was Sunday, so most places were closed, but she found a veterinary hospital that was open and they knew the dog and contacted the owner, who turned out to live just around the corner from here, about 150 metres away, and I'd gone right past the house when I was running around with the dog the night before. 

The owner said she'd tied it up outside while she had a barbecue and it had gotten loose, and that it was the fourth time it had escaped.  She also said that she'll update the phone number on the collar, get it microchipped and get some fencing to keep it from wandering out of the garden, but mum wasn't instilled with confidence when she met the owner and I won't be surprised if I see it roaming around the neighbourhood again.

Mum called the police back and also the people in the phone book that she'd called the night before and gave them the details of the owner to make her easier to track down if anyone else starts phoning around in search of the owner of a black labrador.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #216 on: June 28, 2010, 10:12:18 AM »
Found a sound card I want on teh interwebs.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #217 on: June 28, 2010, 10:29:37 AM »
I found a black labrador a couple of nights ago.  I was walking my dog at a bit past midnight and saw the labrador trotting along the pavement on the other side of the road with no owner in sight and wearing a collar and a car harness, so I crossed over and held onto it for a few minutes to see if someone was walking along behind it or running after it.  Nobody came, so I took it home with me and called a mobile number that was engraved on a disk on it's collar along with a surname, but the number was no longer in service and all I got was an error message. 

I left my dog at home, went back out with the labraror and spent a while running around the local area, letting it decide where to go in the hope that it would find it's way home or that I'd find someone who was looking for it or who knew who it belonged to.  I spoke to a few people, none of whom could help, and it became apparent that the labraror was just happy to run around the streets and wasn't in any hurry to go home.  When I got back, mum had come home from a social outing, and she looked up the name in the phonebook and called a few people to see if any of them had lost a dog, but none of them had, although one of them said they'd had a phone call a couple of weeks ago from someone else who was trying to find the same dog's owner.  She called the police too, but the person she spoke too refused to send anyone to collect the dog and didn't even take her details in case the owner called the police to look for it.

We kept it overnight and I slept (unsuccessfully) on the couch downstairs to keep it company.  The next day, while I was catching up on the sleep that I'd missed, mum called the police again and spoke to someone who was more helpful and who took her details, but the officer told her that nobody had phoned too look for it, and if they took the dog, it would go to the local pound and be euthanised if it wasn't collected within 2 weeks, so she decided to try to find the owner herself.  It was Sunday, so most places were closed, but she found a veterinary hospital that was open and they knew the dog and contacted the owner, who turned out to live just around the corner from here, about 150 metres away, and I'd gone right past the house when I was running around with the dog the night before. 

The owner said she'd tied it up outside while she had a barbecue and it had gotten loose, and that it was the fourth time it had escaped.  She also said that she'll update the phone number on the collar, get it microchipped and get some fencing to keep it from wandering out of the garden, but mum wasn't instilled with confidence when she met the owner and I won't be surprised if I see it roaming around the neighbourhood again.

Mum called the police back and also the people in the phone book that she'd called the night before and gave them the details of the owner to make her easier to track down if anyone else starts phoning around in search of the owner of a black labrador.

 :plus: to you and Mum for your concern, and for taking the time to get this lost dog back to his ditzy owner! You really went the extra mile. :)
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #218 on: June 28, 2010, 04:30:12 PM »
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #219 on: June 29, 2010, 11:57:37 AM »
A way to make my phone-bill lower.  :thumbup: (Or to call much more  :green:)
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #220 on: June 29, 2010, 07:46:51 PM »
Old computer memory I think I will make something out of my collection
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #221 on: June 30, 2010, 03:12:39 PM »
Some grammar mistakes in a sales pitch I proofed.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #222 on: June 30, 2010, 07:46:34 PM »
the paperback of Thinking in Pictures for 20 cents.  Will sell it to a book resale shop for far more than that, at least a dollar.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #223 on: July 02, 2010, 10:37:58 PM »
Someone cleaned out their garage today, had a mess of free stuff setting out.

Scored a mess of canning jars and new lids in the boxes (gave to MIL)
Trash bag full of skeins of yarn
2 jars of old buttons
2 angel candle holders
Dremel rotary tool
Some misc sockets
Craftsman electric leaf blower
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #224 on: July 02, 2010, 10:58:29 PM »
 a big fish
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw