Author Topic: What did you find today?  (Read 72246 times)

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2745 on: May 07, 2018, 03:13:55 PM »
Found two mid century modern chairs curbside

Nice.  8)
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2746 on: May 07, 2018, 04:22:00 PM »
Found two mid century modern chairs curbside

Nice.  8)

Not today, but we have seen a beautiful beagle dog wandering over the past few weeks and when we try to follow him home, he is always dying of thirst and he drinks all our dog's water we carry. Then he eventually goes to this abandoned looking house.

Then someone opens a door and yells at him to get inside, but he was twelve blocks away! We walked him home following him and watching how our two dogs are pals.

I actually thought that he was a stray and we might be taking on another dog, but ...

Honestly, these people !!
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2747 on: May 07, 2018, 11:22:10 PM »
One thing I did NOT find today is a DVD that my wife and daughter wanted to watch. It was on the living room table for ages but not anymore. It's gone.

Maybe you have ghosts :boo:

That's who does that sort of thing at my house  because I never put things away and forget that I did  :M

I'd never misplace anything myself. :angel:

What's really funny is that the missing DVD wasn't missing, after all. Or rather, it's missing because it doesn't exist yet. They both said it's "season 4" of this series, so that's what I looked for. Later - much later - they realised that there is no season 4 yet.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2748 on: May 16, 2018, 06:13:34 PM »
6.5 Craftsman self-propelled mower with a bagger. Seems to run & cut just fine, and the deck is in good shape.  :dunno:

I question not the logic of the trash gods.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2749 on: May 17, 2018, 04:35:06 PM »
No kidding, I've even  found silver jewellery several centuries old, plus old ivory or whalebone artefacts.

The stuff people throw in the trash, why I've even found drums of industrial hypochlorite, drums of acid, about 4-5 gallons of diphenylmethyl-4,4-diisocyanate that I might try doing a sandmeyer degradation on and try turning to diphenylmethyl tosylate or diphenylmethyl iodide (the leaving group being on the methyl bridge), with a view to ipso-position disubstitution and some rather interesting stimulants  of the dopamine reuptake inhibitor type, can't think of anything else to do with it, but that ought to be one useful way it could be turned to my service.

I'm  just not someone that can look at an abandoned chemical drum without thinking 'why I just wonder whats in there, waiting for me' :autism:

The big drum of hypochlorite for example has provided a large part of the total need for chlorine gas for the past five or six years and I've still got more than half left.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2750 on: May 17, 2018, 06:41:23 PM »
No ivory yet, silver and gold jewelry though and that's all from stuff I spotted that looked "interesting" from the truck cab.

This guy is in Canada and is mainly picking on foot or by bike.

He finds some amazing stuff.
Too rural here to go walking, and just not that kind of area where you start going thru stuff to closely.

Kind of like, stop, look, throw it in the truck bed and sort it out later.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2751 on: May 21, 2018, 07:22:08 AM »
Went out last night after the yard sales were over.

Cushions for my back porch wicker love seat.
A rug as well.

Some cute Christmas wreaths made with jingle bells.

ihome bluetooth radio clock thingy.

Ceramic tile for heaven knows what.

Vintage ice skates.

Random books and some fire king cups.

6 ft WHITE Christmas tree.  :asthing:

1952 Hoover...and some more randomness.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2752 on: May 25, 2018, 08:26:23 PM »
Went out last night after the yard sales were over.

Cushions for my back porch wicker love seat.
A rug as well.

Some cute Christmas wreaths made with jingle bells.

ihome bluetooth radio clock thingy.

Ceramic tile for heaven knows what.

Vintage ice skates.

Random books and some fire king cups.

6 ft WHITE Christmas tree.  :asthing:

1952 Hoover...and some more randomness.

I have been seeing them a lot lately at tag sales for some reason but they have all been rather plain or too expensive in the case of the cool wooden ones that clamped on the bottom of your shoes.

I found a Norlund voyageur hatchet at a tag sale
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2753 on: May 27, 2018, 01:49:15 AM »
Found a Dolby pink noise card on eBay.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2754 on: May 27, 2018, 03:24:30 PM »
Went out last night after the yard sales were over.

Cushions for my back porch wicker love seat.
A rug as well.

Some cute Christmas wreaths made with jingle bells.

ihome bluetooth radio clock thingy.

Ceramic tile for heaven knows what.

Vintage ice skates.

Random books and some fire king cups.

6 ft WHITE Christmas tree.  :asthing:

1952 Hoover...and some more randomness.

I have been seeing them a lot lately at tag sales for some reason but they have all been rather plain or too expensive in the case of the cool wooden ones that clamped on the bottom of your shoes.

I found a Norlund voyageur hatchet at a tag sale

They were one of those Pinterest decorating things this winter.

If you search vintage ice skates on Pinterest a million come up stuffed with artificial flowers, mod-podged, and sprayed with glitter.  :lol1:

Found a nice hatchet during the house clean out, I'll have to take a better look at it now.  :o

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2755 on: May 27, 2018, 06:22:48 PM »
An old Froot Loop in the couch...yum!
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2756 on: May 27, 2018, 09:43:22 PM »
An old Froot Loop in the couch...yum!
:clap: :D
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2757 on: May 28, 2018, 07:43:34 AM »
I guess I've just had some rather good luck when it comes to looting skips and dumpsters. Got a perfectly good lightweight fabric coat too, dry, clean and put in a bag before being tossed.

But the ivory (or whalebone, I'm not sure which) antique page-turner with the silver lettering inlaid into the blade and its big heavy silver endcap, a gold/diamond rolex watch, a load  of silver coat buttons (might have overlooked them otherwise as there was no tarnish, but after finding a lot of other silver and some gold (literal, actual gold, not metaphorically speaking, although it was  a goldmine of a skip all the same), I snagged the buttons too, and then tested a  couple by roughening the surface with sandpaper, wetting the abraded area and then directing a jet of hydrogen sulfide gas (a test for silver, although one to be done with great care, as hydrogen sulfide is not only foul smelling, like very, very concentrated rotten eggs, but it is similarly toxic to cyanide gas, capable of a rapid kill with a single breath if it be concentrated, with cyanide antidote kits being useless in countering H2S poisoning) at the buttons, which turned a greyish-black color, indicative of the presence of silver, due to the formation of silver suilfide.

And best of all was the solid silver, hallmarked  and dated, very old jerusalem cross, from, as far as I am able to tell, 900 AD. Big, heavy, chunky necklace, complete with a really nice silver braid chain. Quite a weight of silver to it, the front decorated with four crosses in the knights templar style, and the back depicting christ, the temple in jerusalem, plus a couple of other scenes of xtian iconography. I'd love to know how much it is worth. I did try taking it to jewellers shops and asking, but they just tried offering me the weight price of the silver, and would have had it melted down, so I told them they could go get stuffed, since IMO melting down antiques like that for scrap metal is near enough criminal; and certainly
pretty unpalatable and disgusting; I'm sure as shit not about to have a nice antique like that melted down for its scrap value. It would  be one thing had it been made out of palladium or platinum, I'd not melt the necklace itself down even then, but the chain, I could have a good  lot of palladium or platinum hydrogenation catalysts from it.

Currently, I'm waiting for the next thrown out fridge or freezer, so I can make off with the compressor, for use in  building a vacuum pump. I see them fairly commonly, but could do with a few so I've a decent number of vacuum pumps
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 07:46:40 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Offline Icequeen

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2758 on: May 28, 2018, 10:35:42 AM »
Amazing finds Lestat.
Not many dumpsters to loot around here. Too rural.

House clean outs, deaths...people don't care, they don't know what they're trashing, or they just want the whole thing to be over with. It's tossed to the curb or dumpster.

Changed trash days, meaning delayed holiday pickup for a couple of the better neighborhoods here...always a fairly good thing.

Didn't find much of anything so far this week, with the exception of an old cast iron skillet. Kid is like "why are we even stopping?" But after being sprayed with oven cleaner and spending a day encased in a trash bag outside. It was washed, re-seasoned with oil, and looks awesome. Approx a $20.00 flip with not much effort. Showed kid what it would be worth had it been a Griswold or a Wagner, so he's now had a change of heart on icky cast iron.

I'll be riding tonight.

"No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
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You just come out the other side...

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2759 on: May 28, 2018, 11:30:21 AM »
Yeah, I had some damn fine luck, all that in one dumpster, the household that chucked it all must have had a clearout. Still, odd that they would toss out hallmarked silver and gold, whalebone/ivory with silver inlays and caps, all hallmarked and a glass jar with a ground glass stopper and a really quite solid, heavily built silver hinged end-cap.

Found a computer the other year too. Got a pair of welding goggles as well. And plenty copper and lead, and a nearly full set of those old cigarette cards, there is just one missing from the full set, and they are quite old ones too, so it should be worth my while to get the one that is missing, completing the set then flip it on ebay. What else..big collection of old-school videogames on floppy disk, including the classic original system shock, one of the first and best cyberpunk games.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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