Playing my fallout-tactics game, just captured a flamethower

Got a fair bit of fuel for it too. Does some monstrous damage for up close attacks, with an area effect of splash damage too. Perfect for operations needing a door to be opened, as main weapon for the soldier taking point, with something like an automatic combat shotgun for a sidearm, if its too far to roast anybody hostile behind the door, then the assault team member taking point can just switch to the auto-shotgun and cut loose with bursts of automatic fire, using heavy solid slug rounds, or flechette rounds (essentially like a tank's beehive rounds, a shell packed with lots of double-ended darts as submunitions, that spread out in a swarm and shred targets to gelatinous red pulpy messy gooey stuff). Even pretty damn tough enemies have a hard time surviving a burst of slug fire or those flechette rounds.
But damn....very nice. Wasn't sure I was going to be able to recover it, as it was on an upper floor, where the shooter who used to own it, before meeting the business end of a .50 caliber browning M2 autocannon plus a couple of heavy machineguns and a sniper rifle, was stationed before being torn into two separate halves, just a pair of legs and a splattered, headless torso remaining lol, but the little sod was up on this upper floor, and the stairs, the AI that controls the enactment of the orders given to troops was having trouble getting anyone up the steps for some reason, eventually got one gunman up there, although meeting another big, ugly, heavily armored, foul tempered, hard as nails mutant with a machinegun, he was quickly dispatched too, before he could fire, with another of the same machineguns, serving as a nice little replenishment of 7.62mm rounds, which my team uses in both their sniper rifles and in the SAW machineguns.
Some combat drugs, both useful and fetching a high price if sold, but the team's first flamethrower too. Time to roast some mutant arses extra crispy