Found a gram, well, a little bit more, actually; this weighed out to 1.23-1.24g, of some rather funny facial makeup, this kind being specifically intended for powdering the inner mucosal surface of one's nostrils

Of all the weird places, stuffed under my TV.
No idea how long its been stashed away, forgotten about, sitting under my TV. I just BARELY spotted it out of the corner of my eye whilst doing a bit of a de-cluttering, wondered 'hey what the fuck is that white thing' and managed, just about, to fish it out with a pair of needle-nosed electrical pliers.
Not bad shit either, made my night finding that. Already went out today to pick up a g of ye olde marching candy, got home, did that, and then found another.
Wouldn't have bothered getting out of bed today if I knew that was there, I was quite happy lazing around in bed, and did NOT feel like getting out of bed and going to the city center.
Almost got stuck there, as I'd lost (or rather, thought I'd lost, it had sunk into the lining of my coat) part of the money I needed for tram fare home. Didn't bother on the way in, saved a bit getting a one-way fare home (wouldn't have bothered if I had nothing on me, but as it happens there were ticket inspectors all round town and I couldn't have got away with it from where I was.
Thought I'd not enough, then on cancelling my ticket purchase, the machine spewed out more money than I put in in the first place in change, more than enough to get me home even if I hadn't found the quid in my coat lining.
My lucky day so far, I kept finding bits of money RIGHT when I needed it, and almost exactly WHAT I needed every time.