Author Topic: What did you find today?  (Read 70622 times)

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1875 on: May 05, 2014, 07:02:28 PM »
I just noticed your pic, IQ.

NICE! Mitrophora semilibera? looks like it, judging from the small pileus, if the top of a morel can truly be called such. Never found those. You lucky sod.

I got lucky like that with morels once, Morchella elata, one of the black morels, arrived in woodchip mulch for the garden. The entire garden of the old house ended up absolutely plastered in morels. At the time, meals consisted of steak and morel gravy, fried morels, morel chilli con carne, morel curry, morel beef stew, fried morel and bacon sandwiches....you can imagine the prevailing trend in culinary pursuits at the time.

Not a species I've ever had the pleasure of, or luck to find. But the morels I have found (and scoffed the lot, or almost the lot, I did share some with my old man, who sometimes samples my mycological finds, but my mom, as always, refused to taste any. 'what if they are poisonous' *rolls eyes*, but smiles, thinking 'that just means all the more for me to eat'. At least the black morel, rates just slightly below giant puffballs, sliced into steaks and fried in butter, with or without breadcrumbs (Langermannia gigantea, formerly in the genus Calvatia), IMO tied neck and neck with fried parasol mushrooms freshly pulled from the ground a mere few hours prior to cooking.

Yep, half-free or "dog dicks" as they are referred to around here. Found a hillside littered with them.

Went out today a bit and found a few more, some black, and quite a few very small yellow's surprisingly. Just had a nice rain and some warmer temps on the way...should be a good week.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1876 on: May 06, 2014, 07:37:01 AM »
IQ, would there be any chance maybe, of a few spore prints of the different species, please? you would have my greatest gratitude, and if you want compensating for the effort then I could compensate you for the favour.

Being ascomycetes, the easy way is just to leave them inside a folded layer of tin foil.
I really, really really would be grateful to you if you would be willing to give, or sell me prints, so I can head to the lab, knock up a batch of nutrient agar, plate some up with some antibiotic-laced growth medium, and use that then to infect suitable substrate and try to grow my own morels.

I haven't had a taste of any for several years now, if you don't count an obscenely expensive little tiny bag of dried blacks , that I used to make a really lovely morel and fly agaric (Amanita muscaria, you will know it, I'm sure, everyone does, even if only as that famous red, white spotted favourite abode of gnomes :D Absurdly listed in many mycological identification textbook guides as highly poisonous, but in reality, it just needs the correct preparation; this is perhaps the most versatile mushroom of them all IMO. When boiled, the water thrown away, boiled once again in fresh water, the water discarded, and then cooked, it can be eaten safely, for other uses, it should be heat-cured over very low heat to decarboxylate the neurotoxic poison ibotenic acid into the psychoactive muscimol. Low doses can be used as a relaxant and pain reliever, larger ones to remedy anxiety, relax muscles, or induce a very natural, refreshing sleep with no hangover whatsoever, of course much bigger doses of the cured detoxified mushroom can be used as a hallucinogenic trance-inducer/hypnotic agent, and the dried powdered caps can be put into sauces, gravies, marinades etc. and sprinkled onto meat before cooking to do a truly superb job of enlivening the flavour of meat and other savoury dishes, acting like the mycological world's answer to MSG, also there is a substance in the fly agaric that attracts flies; and an old use of it, was to mash a cap into some sweetened milk and leave it out, if there is a fly problem in the home, they are attracted to it, come to feed, and are knocked unconscious by the sedative/hypnotic, fall into the sweetened milk, and drown. A far kinder death than the use of nerve agents, leaving them to spasm and twitch in agony before dying. ) gravy sauce to go with a good kilo at least, perhaps a bit more, of prime  lean beef rump steaks, served with butter-fried shiitake and oyster mushrooms. I just adore that wonderful smoky flavor of morels, especially M.elata.

I have never had the chance to try Mitrophora semilibera before, and very, very VERY rarely ever the white morel, M.esculenta. I can only remember ever having the chance to find and taste a single, very small one, just a couple of mouthfuls. Didn't cook that in a recipe, I just fried it up, so I could savour and enjoy every little nibble to the fullest, and appreciate the flavour uncontaminated with any other foodstuff.

I'm really not financially well off, so I can't offer a large sum, but if you want payment for sporeprints of all the species you have available to provide prints of, but I am totally willing to work something out with you, and offer a consideration for the spores.

Or perhaps, as soon as I get paid, and can order some THF and sodium to finish my task, if it appeals, I could offer, as alternative to currency, some 1-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethylamine. Otherwise known as 2C-D, one of the phenethylamine psychedelics invented by Alexander Shulgin, the great synthetic chemist, and architect of many hundreds of novel and completely new phenethylamine, amphetamine and tryptamine psychedelic compounds. Following in his footsteps, although altering some of the reagents used to prepare 2C-D by Shulgin in order to get a better yield, The 2C-D is currently at the stage of the beta-nitrostyrene, which only needs that very last step of being reduced to the phenethylamine using lithium aluminium hydride.

I only need to buy some THF or ether to serve as the solvent for the LAH, as well as some sodium metal to dry it properly, as LiAlH4 is extremely pyrophoric on exposure to air and almost explosively so on exposure to water and afaik any other protic solvents, so after the use of conventional drying agents for the (degassed under reduced pressure, then sparged twice with dried inert gas) THF, one then slowly adds sodium metal, under a current of scrupulously dried nitrogen, argon, helium or other inert gas, and distills it over the sodium metal, which reacts irreversibly with the traces of residual H2O, to give NaOH, collecting the now dry solvent in receiving flask full of dry inert gas, with a moisture trap full of drying agents attached to one neck of the collecting flask, and then used to perform whatever reduction rxn it is being used for.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1877 on: May 06, 2014, 07:32:51 PM »
In-laws took the last batch, but going out again tomorrow.

Just looked up how to do that Lestat. I will try.

If I succeed I will let you know, no charge.

Offline Lestat

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1878 on: May 07, 2014, 07:40:00 AM »
Do be aware that with morels being ascomycetes rather than basidiomycetes its a little different, and the tin foil should be folded double, with the separate species  of course on different folded pieces of foil to avoid getting a mixed, impure spore sample set.

You know the difference between basidiomycota and ascomycota I take it, being a mushroomer yourself?

If not then just say the word and all shall be explained :)
An interesting titbit of information though about the ascomycetes, is that due to the way a ripe ascus ejects its payload of spores, with a decent sized species; they are all at it, and if you lift the mushroom to your ear somewhere quiet and listen, then you can often hear a hissing, fizzing sort of noise, caused all those tiny little asci launching their volleys of ascospores like burst fire from an automatic weapon.

I first discovered this at one of the two secondary spesh schools I went to, the HFA/AS one, a boarding school in the rural southern countryside. In  the lightly wooded parkland we had backing onto the school as part of the grounds, another ascomycete species; one of the helvellas. Helvella lacunosa in this case, the black helvella. (The genus Helvella is one of the Ascomycota order; more similar to a false morel, than to a true Morchella or similar; less toxic than Gyromitra, but still must not ever, ever be eaten raw. I just won't eat them)     

I had picked up a fair few of these mature fruitbodies to take down to the science lab to pique the interest of the science teacher, and also to show a few people I thought might be interested. After getting indoors, I started hearing fizzing, very faintly when I was a little way off and not listening intently up close. Didn't realize what it was at first, thought maybe it was tinnitus, or coming down with the very first signs of an ear infection perhaps. But no!

I soon realized that this sound was variable in intensity depending on my proximity to the pile of mushrooms. So I held one to my ear, and lo and behold!, the noise was emanating from the fertile surfaces of the Helvellas, as they launched their cargo of spores from their little wee fungal ascus-cannon batteries.

I never knew you were a fellow mycophage IQ. You been picking for long?

How long have you been foraging for such tasty wild treats IQ?
Myself, since, whilst I'm not exactly sure how old I was, taught myself when I was old enough to read, and have been at it since between 4-5yo, for a couple of years simply picking and learning to make a very reliable ident, but from then on; all the way up to the present day bringing home all manner of hitherto un-sampled surprises.

I remember one of the nicest little getaways I've ever had, was a camping trip to wales for a week or so. Feeling hungry, after getting up early early EARLY in the morning (to make sure I get first dibs on whats out there if I go foraging I will very often get up and leave the house while its still dark, timing my journey so I hit the woods at first light to make sure that I get out there and take the choicest pickings before anybody else has the chance to so much as piss in the bushes :P

Went out at the crack of dawn, scoured a good few miles of woodland and forest, by which time I had been getting hungrier and hungrier and hungrier still. Returning to camp, with my stomach growling, and my mouth watering at the thought of what I'd got, me and the old fart got the little gas cooker out, whipped out the frying pan, and made us a simple, but utterly scrumptious breakfast of sausages, pieces of bacon, and a smorgasbord of larch boletes (Suillus sp.), slippery jacks (S.luteus), wild oyster mushrooms and hedgehog fungi.

Waiting for that to fry in the pan was only just barely short of actual torture, the smell grabbing my already ravening appetite and running like old nick himself was hot on my tail, with pan-daemonium not far behind, shrieking things about ME being THEIR breakfast :D

But oh wow, what a brekkie! simple recipe for the mushrooms, just thrown in the frying pan with a knob of butter and a little pinch of salt, after peeling away the layer of slime that adheres to the pileus of those Suillus spp. then fried until tender and dished up with the bacon, bangers and for me, a mug of hot sweet black tea.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1879 on: May 26, 2014, 11:10:00 AM »
Yesterday I found a nice rocking chair, a set of cheep plastic trains still in the box and a shop vac, all at the curb for garbage pick up  Oddly enough I had been thinking of getting a new one as my old one is about to die.  Here's a photo of it  bound to make Icequeen jealous :green:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1880 on: May 26, 2014, 07:44:33 PM »
Yesterday I found a nice rocking chair, a set of cheep plastic trains still in the box and a shop vac, all at the curb for garbage pick up  Oddly enough I had been thinking of getting a new one as my old one is about to die.  Here's a photo of it  bound to make Icequeen jealous :green:

A Ridgid with the blower :zombiefuck:....yep, I AM jealous.

Delayed pick up due to the holiday today...will be cruising for goodies tomorrow. I need "new" lawn chairs. :zoinks:

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1881 on: May 26, 2014, 09:04:57 PM »
A mouse nest behind some damaged shingles,  they had chewed though the underlayment and even the framing creating a hollow twice as big as my hand with a tunnel going off under the shingles an unknown distance.  I had never seen anything like it before

  Don't mess up my renovations!

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1882 on: May 27, 2014, 01:46:20 AM »
A big branch on the bicycle path.

I stopped and cleared the road.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Lestat

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1883 on: May 27, 2014, 05:20:05 PM »
I saw that there was something stuck right down the end of the hole in one of my PC speakers. Couldn't get it out, until I borrowed my old man's really huge long haemostat.

That got it out perfectly in one. Turned out that for some reason, there was a big  bag of white widow down there.

Time to pack a B, whilst my big mug of lady grey and lemon balm infusion brews, and I wait for the 20mg cap of oxy I just blew up my hooter :D
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1884 on: May 27, 2014, 05:26:46 PM »
Red leaves with holes eaten through them by aphids, a curious squirrel, and a lizard.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Icequeen

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1885 on: May 27, 2014, 05:42:00 PM »
2 microwaves.

Not much else. Still have 2 more days left this week though.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1886 on: May 27, 2014, 07:13:40 PM »
  I found some more things to get psyched about.  I'm out of my slump.   :headbang:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1887 on: May 28, 2014, 02:30:07 PM »
  I found some more things to get psyched about.  I'm out of my slump.   :headbang:

Glad to hear it CBC!
Care to share what those things are?
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1888 on: May 28, 2014, 02:59:23 PM »
I saw that there was something stuck right down the end of the hole in one of my PC speakers. Couldn't get it out, until I borrowed my old man's really huge long haemostat.

That got it out perfectly in one. Turned out that for some reason, there was a big  bag of white widow down there.

Time to pack a B, whilst my big mug of lady grey and lemon balm infusion brews, and I wait for the 20mg cap of oxy I just blew up my hooter :D

I read that as sneakers.  I was thinking Politically Correct sneakers?  Why does he need a haemostat to get something out of his sneaker?
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #1889 on: May 29, 2014, 07:35:06 PM »
Another microwave and a box fan to scrap.

Around 10 tomato cages (needed)...and a brand new roll of chicken wire (needed)...plus a box with around 8 nice, healthy tomato plants in it (gave to FIL since he just decided on putting a garden in and hasn't got his plants yet)...one more day of cruising yet.