Torn down now, regrettably before I could salvage the motherload. Although I did go in at night and bag some saleable scrap. Wish I'd got there in time to get those fire extinguishers though, I could really use something other than a dry powder one, specifically, I was hunting for something suitable for dealing with reactive metal fires, although not sure as one would be present in an old bar, save by chance. Metal fires are a royal fuck to deal with. I'd like even a small opportunity to salvage any hypothetical accidents involting plat cat, and for my hoped-for cyclotron and/or LINAC once I get somwhere to PUT one that can house the needed rad shielding, I'll not be able to dispense with a proper metal fire extinguisher, as for preparing uranium-based targets I could make do with the lathe to do the actual physical fabrication of such, as its not the nicest of metals to deal with, for the same reason they use it in preference to tungsten in high density kinetic energy penetrator antitank rounds-its pyrophoric, and turnings or finely divided metal can ignite in the air just like plat cat in a hydrogenation, or raney nickel. And whilst not a particular radiological hazard as uranium 238 (depleted uranium, for what I had in mind for a cyclotron irradiation project, its quite specifically, and indeed, isotopically pure, if I can locate some, depleted uranium I want). Its only weakly radioactive, but its still a chemical toxicant, mainly targeting kidneys.