Author Topic: What did you find today?  (Read 69770 times)

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2370 on: May 10, 2016, 02:04:04 AM »
Found a few goodies left out in the street like that way and abandoned.

Got 2 sleeping bags recently, complete with drawstring bags for them rolled up, as well as (at different times), a desktop computer, and a microwave oven. Already had a MW to cook food with. But its not my own, free to use it, but not my personal property, its for the house, for all our use by the family. So this one, this one is MINE, and only mine. Because its not going to be used for heating food. Its going to be hacked and turned into a lab MW, because MW chemistry is an up-and-coming, very promising indeed field of chemistry, due to the different manner in which heat is transmitted and absorbed by microwave irradiation compared with classical heat sources, yields in a given procedure can sometimes not just improve, but do so MASSIVELY, I've seen some instances where yields shot up from 30-40something percent based on starting reagents and substrates, to 90% or even more sometimes, and with times slashed so brutally that one's clock would resemble the result of a hand-job from freddy fucking kreuger, many hours sometimes, hacked down to single-digit minutes. 2-3 minutes isn't unusual, instead of 5-6 HOURS or more. So I've been meaning to get round to slicing a hole in the top of the oven and modifying it to add overhead stirring, facility for a condenser to poke up out of the top, a vigreaux column etc., vacuum adaptor, an inlet for inert gas purging, perhaps weld a couple of clips onto the outside, or a ring and base-plate of a suitable size to mount the disposable pressurized gas bottles I use for argon, nitrogen, oxygen (methyl-)/acetylene and CO2 and hack on a tap system to allow for switching from one gas feed to another, or to permit application of multiple gases, such as one or more feeds going into the flask or reaction vessel, whilst the exterior, within the MW oven's resonant cavity could be supplied with inert argon, whilst say, bubbling in ammonia, hydrogen, chlorine gas, HCN, H2S, NOx, SOx etc. to the actual reaction being undertaken using the MW.

Will need quite a lot of thought though, and careful planning first, before I actually ever first take blade, soldering iron,  saw or a torch to it, both to avoid damaging exposure of household electronics (the EMP type effect of microwave emissions isn't at all friendly to electronics, semiconductors in particular get fried easily) as do bodyparts, so making sure its fully shielded first before ever turning on the thing once its undergone the mods I have in mind for it.

Lol found it outside a tesco supermarket. Nobody there with it, nobody came for it, despite my watching for a long while, with my beady eyes a'peepin' away hoping that would be the case. Camped the place for a while to ensure I'd not be robbing anybody of their purchases, but when after camping it out nobody had even looked at it, let alone taken it, for a good long time, I simply walked up, picked it up and walked off again, a microwave oven richer for my wait.

What sort of cacti are you growing Parts?

Had a peruvian torch (Trichocereus peruvianus) and a small T.pachanoi once, but someone had agreed to care for them for me while I wasn't around, then didn't, likewise, all my other plants, my whole garden, was left unwatered, promise to do so unfulfilled, and my plants died, all of them :(

Was particularly gutted to lose the peruvian torch, as that had actually done some growing since I'd first got it. And worse still, my khat and 7-8 or so young Anadenanthera trees (A.colubrina, known depending on which area of the amazon one might be in and which of the local peoples one would ask, as yopo, niopo or cohoba, its like  the mimosas in appearance, specifically the sensitive mimosa, with long thin leaves consisting of a central narrow anchor point with many little tiny leaflets either side on the horizontal axis, although they don't move, like sensitive mimosa (M.pudica) does (sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica, when its attacked by herbivores folds up its leaflets, folds the leaf in half and pulls it away, leaving nothing apparently there for the creature to feed on all of a sudden, pulling a disappearing act, like a hand, with outstretched fingers slowly curling them into a fist, and putting the hand behind one's back. Quickly enough to watch happen in mid-motion, like a flytrap, although not that quickly. The species epithet 'pudica' meaning 'shameful'  or 'shamed' coming from the latin. Or perhaps from 'puellaris', meaning 'girlish' or 'dainty')

Yopo/cohoba are indigenous snuffs prepared from the roasted, ground beans of the large seedpods, and in some species, iirc, I think there is some DMT content (n,n-dimethyltryptamine) within the tissue of the pods themselves. I don't know for sure, my trees never survived long enough, thanks to the one who agreed to care for them whilst I could not do so myself, and then let everything all die, to produce pods. Have tried making the snuff itself though from some unplanted seeds, and calcined snail shells, burnt to quicklime, then slaked, then mixed with the powdered dried or roasted  (I didn't kill the snails, just harvested shells already empty, for I won't have them die simply to serve my whims. Used it as a pick-me-up, as an alternative to caffeinated drinks and/or nicotine, in much smaller doses than those used for the full-blown visionary manifestations induced by the native users, who often take whopping quantities, and delivered with the help of a second person, who loads the powdered snuff into a bifurcated tipped tube made from hollow bird bones, this is then inserted into the nose of the recipient, whilst the assistant fires it hard down the other end, like a blowpipe, deep into the nasal passageways, often with sufficient force to leave the indigenous native tribesperson on the receiving end collapsing, dropped to the floor by the sheer force with which the powder is blasted up their sinuses. a pinch like one might take tobacco snuff (never tried it actually) or off the end of a blade like a bump of coke/'phet/MD(m)A being fished out of its bag; proves quite sufficient. 

(the active ingredient in the mixture, is bufotenine, a tryptamine intermediate in structure between serotonin and DMT, 5-hydroxy-n,n-DMT, and more well known as a constituent of the venom of many toads, such as the now imfamous cane toad, Bufo marinus, that was introduced to australia to control some pests, only to find that they didn't eat the pests, but DID eat pretty much everything else, and poisons anything that eats one. And the sonoran desert toad, Bufo alvarius, which makes 5-MeO-DMT in addition to bufotenine, and the typical steroidal digitalis-like cardiotoxins  found in most toad venoms ['toad-licking' is both a myth, and dangerous, the sonoran desert toad DOES produce bufotenine and also 5-methoxy-n,n-DMT, making the venom a powerful psychedelic, but it cannot be taken by mouth both because of the cardioactive steroids like the bufagins, bufagenins, bufotalins etc.  and the fact that the active tryptamines in the venom are instantly inactivated by the enzyme MAO-A before ever coming within a million miles of the brain, so it has to be vaporised and the vapor inhaled, without a direct flame preferably, to avoid burning it instead])

The powdered, calcined snail shells in the snuff are the traditional way of doing it, serving simply as a source of alkali to base out the alkaloid content of the seeds. Can be easily and advantageously be replaced with calcium hydroxide, or some sodium bicarbonate (!not! baking powder, these have flour in them too usually and usually a mixture of bicarb and an organic acid to allow heat alone to activate it, and make one's bread dough rise)

Yesterday now, but found a nice cheap deal on e-fag refill juice bottles in a newsagents-cum-postoffice, 3 bottles for a pound for one brand, or 5 bottles for 3 pounds for another, something or thereabouts anyway, bought a good few (10ml) bottles of different refill flavors, some dandelion and burdock, which is nice, a champaign one, a lemon, an energy drink flavour as well as a couple of ones with proprietary names, like 'flux' (presumably not lead/antimony/cadmium/silver eau-de-solder flavour, probably tasted more than is good of the stuff in the fumes whilst brazing using those high-temperature heavy metal-rich silver solders in my time) nor dysentery bloodied diarrheal discharge flavour either [the flux was an old term, or the bloody-flux to describe dysentery]. At least I really really do hope not!!!!)

Also found, whilst popping into a local grocery store whilst picking up my prescriptions for the current week to buy scran, discovered three bottles of 'fentimans' brand non-alcoholic lemonade, spiked with essential oil of roses. Hadn't tasted that before, didn't know they did it, but have had fentiman's ginger beer before, and their dandelion&burdock and they are a top notch, high quality brand for some upper crust versions of soft drinks. The rose lemonade is absolutely lovely. Delicious! Just enjoying a big glass of that with plenty of ice cubes, with  a morning rollup, plus a bit of oxy and a dose of morphine, although a vastly smaller one than my usual shot size, and not IV either, just 60mg time-released morphine (my usual minimum is 300 to 600, IV, or up to 1g, any of those, IR obvously, although only as high as a gram per shot if I have enough for lots spare and can obtain a syringe big enough to hold sufficient water to dissolve that much, even pure non-XR morphine sulfate at a physiologically acceptable temperature without fluid overload. Although I prefer somewhere between the two extremities, a happy medium is to be had [for me personally, I am not for one second advising anybody ever start out in trying morphine at those doses, it would probably kill someone nontolerant by a fair margin, but about 760-850mg or thereabouts is about right, hits the spot, without needing a massive horse syringe, or a big shot of antihistamine with it, the latter is certainly needed at doses of a gram, or close to it, because otherwise about 10-15 seconds later it produces enough histamine release to feel like you were just lashed over the palms of the hands, face, and soles of feet with a big handful of stinging nettles;  along with a temporary armload of wheals and hives if a miss is accidentally done at that concentration. If you miss with that strong of a shot it actually really hurts, with morphine, although oxy doesn't.  Not for very long, mind you, given that the thing responsible for inflicting the pain, is the very same thing as a strong painkiller being taken. Kinda....causes it then goes ahead and cures it again immediately afterwards.

Enough to make one frickin' yelp a bit though at first, especially if not expecting it, or if one misses a bit of it, and some then gets dumped under the skin rather than into the vein, thats when it starts hurting, and good Christ bloody McGod on a popsicle stick, itching like fury.

Think I'll have a bit more though, that 60 was too little, esp. when not shot, left my hands a bit shaky, although I wasn't really expecting to be able to get away with it. Am working on lowering my tolerance as best I can, mostly because I dislike the idea of HAVING to take it, because that means choice is taken from me. I'd still choose not to be in pain, of course, and to walk about as nature intended, or as close to it as can be hoped for, But I'd like to be able to MAKE that choice, without having the answer to it dictated by any force other than that supplied in the form of my personal desire or lack of, I mean, if I raise a rig in my hand, I want there to be no puppet strings to hold, that are held by anything other than severed form, by that selfsame hand. Been considering a combination of an NMDA antagonist, memantine perhaps, as its long-acting, but lacks ketamine-like dissociative NMDA antagonist effects, due to funny ass kinetics, unless its given at far higher than therapeutic dose ranges and assuming I can find it, some naltrexone. The latter isn't safe to take if actually physically dependent upon opioids, as its like naloxone, works by kicking opioids off their receptors once bound, by virtue of a very strong binding affinity but no efficacy, that is, an antagonist, and will put somebody into a precipitated withdrawal infinitely greater and more terrible in its horrific severity, if this is done.

BUT, in very tiny doses, hundreds of nanograms to single-digit micrograms rather than a starting dose of 25mg up to 50mg or thereabouts in its more wellknown uses, because there is apparently not only the type of Mu1 opioid receptor which is inhibitory when activated, and relaxing in effect, but theres a smaller population of neurons in the brain and CNS which express a high-affinity excitatory population which bind morphine and other common Mu1 opioids and is, as I read and how I  understood it, unpleasant and overstimulatory, anxiogenic in nature. I think, possibly in withdrawal states from opioids it might be something to do with it. The idea being to block the high affinity binding site on the Mu1 opioid receptor leaving the one that is positive in effect when activated by application of  agonists unaffected, due to the ultramicrodosing scales used in this ULD naltrexone protocol, whereby it seems to both prevent development of more tolerance, and actually force it to drop like a stone.

Relatively little human testing in this use, although the drug naltrexone itself is widely used for various purposes already in clinical practice. Have read reports of people who tested it for themselves,
in one case, a guy who had been addicted to HUGE doses of hydromorphone (dilaudid) for many years, intravenously, yet was able to slash his dose in several huge steps without causing himself suffering
and RAPIDLY too, within weeks. That would have been utterly unthinkable for someone to even contemplate without the ULD naltrexone, his doses of opiate were nothing short of shocking in their sheer scale, been finding quite a lot of interesting reading and research on it, making me want to try it for myself. The guy in the self-directed study he did, that I'm thinking of, he needed codeine to take the edge off, CODEINE, of all things. For a hydromorphone detox. Thats like saying your going to wear a stab vest to attenuate the damage from a 30mm autocannon HESH or HEAT round, or a slug from
one of those gigantic .50 cal bullpup anti-materiel high-velocity sniper rifles
comparatively speaking, in terms of scale. Yet it allowed him to do it with barely discomfort, from an absolutely massive, obscene dosage level of IV hydromorphone. Can't remember how much he was using, but I do recall thinking at the time that I quite possibly wouldn't survive it were I to imitate his dosing (although I've never actually personally tried hydromorphone), even with the tolerance I'm saddled with. Not after trying the naltrexone protocol to quit opioid use, but just to lay the smackdown on tolerance and squash it like a bug should it try and crawl up again, preventing it doing so. To gain the same effect with less cannot be too much of a bad thing.

And definitely going to have some diclofenac gel on my knee after going upstairs to get my morphine, because my tendonitis is making my knee bellow amidst  much howling, wailing and gnashing of  it's teeth in protest. Got to ring my doc sometime today actually, as I just found the tube of NSAID gel I was given to be the 1 percent version of voltarol gel, its the maximum strength kind I'm meant to be given, which I think, iirc, is 2.3-something %
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2371 on: May 10, 2016, 06:51:39 AM »
  I found a good song for rocking to.
   Also for drumming the fingers of my left hand on the desk.  :autism:

"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Offline WolFish

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2372 on: May 12, 2016, 11:51:57 AM »
  I found a good song for rocking to.
   Also for drumming the fingers of my left hand on the desk.  :autism:

subliminal, that image...
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2373 on: May 12, 2016, 11:55:12 AM »
found a parking space near the salvation army, where the prices actually are reasonable compared with the other "thrift" stores in which the prices are about or higher than retail.

i have been looking for parking there for the past month or so.
inside i found a columbia sports shirt with a hawaiian pattern, canadian mason jars and a nice cup.

will be biking there in the future. bikes need repair first.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2374 on: May 12, 2016, 01:51:19 PM »
$4.54 of ham bones.  After mark down and clearance coupons I paid 24 cents.  They'll make a few lovely pots of beans.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2375 on: May 14, 2016, 05:50:43 PM »
$4.54 of ham bones.  After mark down and clearance coupons I paid 24 cents.  They'll make a few lovely pots of beans.

  Enough hammy beans to share?  :puppy:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2376 on: May 14, 2016, 06:43:37 PM »
Sure.  Bring your bowl.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2377 on: May 14, 2016, 08:07:26 PM »
The chlormethiazole I lost the other day and had to get an emergency replacement prescription for. Oh well, no harm done there, aside from the losing it in the first place. Gave me 6 more, which meant, once I found the originals, that the remaining replacement ones could be used as a sleep aid rather than antiseizure meds (they do both, very well indeed)

Meant I got quite a lot of very refreshing, restoring sleep and woke up feeling nicely relaxed. I think I'll go pop 1 more now actually, when I go upstairs for my pain meds, which I feel like because the back of my right elbow is rather sore right now for some reason. Can't think why, I don't remember whacking it on anything.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2378 on: May 14, 2016, 10:12:15 PM »
  I "found" potential for a second career as a grill cook.  I really like to grill stuff, especially pancakes.  :laugh:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2379 on: May 16, 2016, 06:26:16 PM »
A old big broken compressor that had the parts I needed to fix the one I had at my house
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2380 on: May 16, 2016, 11:04:06 PM »
I found a Gerber all in one  handy man's tool.

I kind of collect these things. I hardly ever use one, I just think they are cool.

This is the third one I have found in a parking lot.  I will post a pic.

It is actually a very high quality one of these things, made by Gerber. Kind of a nice find, I thought.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 11:55:45 PM by DirtDawg »
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2381 on: May 18, 2016, 05:10:59 PM »
I found a Gerber all in one  handy man's tool.

I kind of collect these things. I hardly ever use one, I just think they are cool.

This is the third one I have found in a parking lot.  I will post a pic.

It is actually a very high quality one of these things, made by Gerber. Kind of a nice find, I thought.
i have one of those. they are quite nice. i have a leatherman wave and use the gerber more. that and the leatherman squirt. i don't collect them though. have you seen the leatherman style ps? you can take them on planes they also have optional snowboard and skater attachments.
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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2382 on: May 18, 2016, 05:13:20 PM »
three genuine four leaf clovers in the space of 15 minutes. made sure they were not fakes - they were growing with 3 leaf white clover. one will go in a frame and the other in my pocket. the third is in a cup of water; hoping it will grow - it wasn't quite open when i picked it.
Mark Twain: “Never argue with a [troll], onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”


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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2383 on: May 19, 2016, 07:39:56 AM »
three genuine four leaf clovers in the space of 15 minutes. made sure they were not fakes - they were growing with 3 leaf white clover. one will go in a frame and the other in my pocket. the third is in a cup of water; hoping it will grow - it wasn't quite open when i picked it.

  May the luck of the Irish be with you!   :lep:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

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Re: What did you find today?
« Reply #2384 on: May 22, 2016, 07:01:26 PM »
I found where the previous owners of the house had a pole for a clothesline while expanding the garden.  They didn't set it very well and it came out fairly easy
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw