Nice. How old is it?
Still kicking off alphas like a motherfucker I bet though.
There is an antique clock specialist shop very near me. I've been meaning to go down there and start scanning the merchandise with a geiger counter. I have read of, on occasion, if one gets really, really really lucky, that some have compartments containing a vial of radium paint, for retouching dials.
The 'nuclear boy scout', Hahn, apparently got one of these. Started out with an americium 241/beryllium-based neutron gun, which wasn't sufficient for his thorium reactor work (guy built his own crude thorium-based breeder reactor from scratch, scavenging items from all sorts of places, to mcguyver up a working reactor)
It wasn't enough, as those little 241Am sources in smoke alarms are not particularly hot. But he got lucky, after first starting scraping radium dials like a maniac IIRC, then hitting the jackpot, in the form of an antique clock containing an actual bottle of radium paint.
Lucky cunting bastard