Just found my lock blade. I kinda stole it from The Bitch From Tartarus, I.E my abusive, psychotic former housemate. When I kicked the cocksucking hellwhore out, thats one of the things I kept. Real good quality knife. Those penknives that come with all the bells and whistles possible tend to have thin blades that could easily break if used to pry something out of a tight hole. This just has the one blade, thick, but damn sharp. Just used it to pull some 5-(2-aminopropyl)indole out of its bag to snort

Feeling pretty good, after dosing the 5-IT and some 6-APB. Never tried 6-APB before.
Feeling slightly shaky, my hyperreflexia is increased, although not much cardiovascular push. Color enhancement, vision blurred, its hard to read the computer clock, and hard to read the forums. Some increase in body temperature, but nothing concerning, although, paradoxically I feel a bit cold. I think I'll grab my trench, to warm up. Some jaw tension, slight bruxism. I want to find something to chew on. I need to find some chewing gum. I know I have some around here somewhere. (found it)
*chomps on entire pack of gum*
I wish I had some chelated Mg, to ease the jaw tension. I'd go to the lab..but the bottle I have, labeled MgSO4 is actually triphenylphosphine, but the foreign chemical company labeled it as magnesium sulfate to get around some shipping law or other regarding toxic chemicals. Although TPP isn't hideously poisonous, it is somewhat toxic. I got poisoned by it once, as it was a contaminant in a batch of methylone (the cathinone analog of MDMA), ended up coughing up blood. Nasty experience that was.
Weight-9 stone 9-10 lb
Age-just turned 26
Other factors-smoker, classical autie. Other drugs in system-60mg baclofen to ease the muscle cramps I've been having problems with in my calf muscle, a couple of grams of pregabalin, about half to 3/4 a can of carlsberg earlier. Probably still some morphine in my system from the big pot of poppy pod tea yesterday