No agree dude. They came to fort leavenworth once while I was stationed there. Off the record, a bunch of guys pelted them with rocks. I won't say I did.... but.. 
If anyone deserves stoning, it's them.
Why? They're not doing anything illegal. The First Amendment guarantees they're allowed to do what they're doing.
Have you ever lost someone close to you?
I have.
I can't even imagine how much the grief of these people who have lost loved ones is magnified when Fred Phelps' group pickets their funerals.
Matthew Shepard lived fairly close to here and what happened to him was very much in the news here.
He was beaten into a coma, robbed, hung on a fence, and left for dead by two men who set out to rob and murder a gay man.
Then Fred Phelp's group picketed his funeral carrying signs saying things like "God Hates Fags" and "Matthew Shepard rots in Hell".
They also picket the funerals of servicemen who are killed, saying that they are being killed as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays.
I know it's not illegal to picket, but I think it's evil to picket people's funerals like this.
I think what they do goes beyond First Amendment protected free speech and I don't blame people for throwing rocks at them.