Is her delightful ladyship feeling better? Do give her my regards and wish her well healh wise for me?
Yes I took most of my meds, haven't yet taken the muscle relaxant, tizanidine. Although I don't have any issues a reall]t Its also an adrenergic blocker of sorts so I should take it
(It is an alpha2 adrenoreceptor agonist, like clonidine, or xylazine etc. Alpha2 ARs are the autoreceptor for the adrenergic system, autoreceptors are those that act as negative feedback sensory, if there is too much (nor)adrenaline floating around in ones system, it stamps on the brakes and immediately cuts (nor) adrenaline release.)
And it can be used to calm people who are using stimulants, and to combat the sometimes severe vasopressor properties and vasoconstriction, where betablockers cannot. As beta blockers, just block beta receptors, leaving the alpha1 subtype for more or less the where is left for all that excess (nor)adrenaline has to go SOMEWERE. Alpha1 mediates blood vessel tone, and dilatation/constriction.
So paradoxically, beta blockers should NEVER BE USED TO COMBAT ST K}}}}}
As doing so can cause severe vasoconstriction.