I am shocked haldol is even used now. It has a known, proven dopaminergic neurotoxic metabolite, similar to the imfamous parkinsonian toxin MPTP (barry kidston, 'case of the frozen addicts' case, guy was cooking up a prodine type opioid, one of the pethidines (or meperidine as the yanks call it), only he tried to shortcut the procedure by heating, resulting in a dehydration to a tetrahydropyridine, which then went and immediately, permanently, irreversibly destroyed his nigrostriatal dopaminergic tract. Bingo, instant near totally paralytic parkinsons disease.
The damage from this type of neurotoxicity DOES NOT HEAL. It is cumulative. I would switch ANY other AP, than haldol. IMO. shouldn't be used anymore.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaloperidolHave a read of that and see if you don't think the stuff is poison.