How exactly is one supposed to remember that it is time for adderall, manage to avoid distraction before ingesting the adderall, and remember where the adderall is, before you've had your adderall?! 
I remembered this morning but it was later than it should have been. I wish the time released stuff worked as well as the immediate release form. It is so hard to remember to take it 3X a day! Damn my distractible brain, and all these...
(20 minutes later)...
...sorry, there was a bunny outside. What were we talking about?
Did the bunny have a pancake on its head? Those bunnies are the cutest! 
No, but I definitely checked. He was eating clover on the side of my neighbor's house. No pancake. Should I make some for him?
Make a big pancake and see if he would like to wear it as a beret! 
It is all fun and games until someone gets rabies.
Where does the rabies come from?
Will it be spread by pancakes?
How does it get in those pancakes?
And isn't the weather gorgeous outside?
Only had my antibiotics this morning. Hope not to forget getting a batch of prescription meds for a kid this afernoon, between 15:15 and 17:00.