Yep. Just shot some oxy. Can't remember if I took my antiinflammatories, so I'm not going to take any today, Indomethacin isn't a drug you want to OD on. I'll just use some locally applied NSAID gel (felbinac gel)
I am in two minds, as to what to do first, having just woken up.
Two choices. One being to go to tesco/sainsbury's to buy some OTC morphine, the other, being to set up the lab, and purify some piperazine phosphate I have for a project, creating an AMPAkine nootropic drug that I have been studying up on in preparation for. Like most of the AMPAkine nootropics, they look very promising, show very little toxicity, but have had very, very few reports of human trials.
The one I am working on, DM-235, I can find no human trials for whatsoever.