
Author Topic: Did you take your meds today?  (Read 193853 times)

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6810 on: May 07, 2017, 08:33:26 AM »
I did. I'm just so much happier now.

  Your joy just radiates through the screen.  :autism:


OMG, I just told CBC to wear shades. :o

  Your meds are changing the future before it even happens!  :o
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6811 on: May 07, 2017, 08:34:45 AM »
  Just took the Strattera, going to let those settle for awhile.  8)
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6812 on: May 07, 2017, 10:42:13 AM »
I did. I'm just so much happier now.

  Your joy just radiates through the screen.  :autism:


OMG, I just told CBC to wear shades. :o

  Your meds are changing the future before it even happens!  :o
and yours are inducing tautology   :green:

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6813 on: May 07, 2017, 12:27:04 PM »
I did. I'm just so much happier now.

  Your joy just radiates through the screen.  :autism:


OMG, I just told CBC to wear shades. :o

  Your meds are changing the future before it even happens!  :o

It would be cooler to change the future after it happened. :M
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6814 on: May 07, 2017, 02:35:02 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6815 on: May 08, 2017, 12:43:54 PM »
I did.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6816 on: May 08, 2017, 12:57:27 PM »
Pain meds-yes, antiseizure stuff, yes,  thats about it, other than some cimetidine (a stomach med, that also as a secondary bonus, helps make my morphine/oxy last longer by inhibiting its metabolism, my doc originally had me on ranitidine, and was totally puzzled why on earth I'd ask for cimetidine over ranitidine, as to change from one to the other that is, until I told him he had no idea that little trick even existed)

About to take clonidine, and a couple of muscle relaxers, since my shoulders are aching, I didn't sleep much last night, eventually taking a couple of knock-out pills (nitrazepam, that, plus the chlormethiazole antiseizure stuff (although the latter isn't actually listed in the BNF for seizures in this country, for some reason I managed to get on it, and I far, far prefer it to any other GABAergic option, because of a few reasons-it acts within minutes of the caps opening once swallowed, and whilst its possible for it to be so, I've been on it years, and have built up NO physical dependency to it whatsoever. No withdrawals at all, and on any benzo, barbiturate etc. I KNOW that I would have, to the extent of severe withdrawals if I skipped a dose or even causing seizures (as opposed to just lacking protection from them) of the nastiest, grand-mal variety. I'm surprised at just how little tolerance of any kind I've built to it, the only tolerance I can observe, is that when I was first taking it, it used to cause a short-lived stinging sensation in the back of my nose due to histamine release. Now it doesn't. That, is about the sum total of any and all tolerance type effects whatsoever that it has caused. Over YEARS. Benzos would probably, if taken daily at all, let alone 3xdaily have me hook, line and sinker.

Does bubblegum candy and cigarettes count as medication?...if so then yes, I did, I am and I'm about to further.

Got some dark chocolate covered version of a bounty bar too (chocolate covered coconut filling in a bar. Usually milk chocolate, but these are dark. Much prefer dark chocolate, when it comes to candy. With a few spare oxy I found in my dressing gown pocket to wash it down with.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6817 on: May 08, 2017, 01:00:41 PM »
Sweets, or sweeties. Not candy.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6818 on: May 08, 2017, 01:18:29 PM »
Yeah,  I know. I just read 'candy' so often that filthy americanism is retrobastardizing my proper english. Its sweets, I know it, and I'm about to eat more of them. God I just can't resist these 'haribo' fizzy bubblegum bottles. They are so moreish, I've eaten nearly a tenners worth in one go before and still wanted more. And don't even get me started on Snickers bar milkshake (fairly newish, but they now do a snickers milkshake. Wish they sold that in 2 or at least 1 liter bottles. Have had something like 7 in a row today one after the other, a little break then a few more  :P Odd...I've got a bag of med refills with me here and never mind the nitrazepam, other downers, opiates, easy availability of amphetamine/methamphetamine/N-ethylamphetamine, aephetamine (alpha-ethylamphetamine...I wonder...never tried N-ethylaephetamine though, or alpha-phenylmeth/ethamphetamine, those I'd love to have a go with. N-ethylamphetamine is far superior IMO to meth, much much smoother, and generally more pleasant) but those bubblegum sweets....*makes 'gllaarrgghhkkkhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhmmm' kind of noise and tries to avoid drooling*, put all those combined to shame. Once you start, with these there just isn't any stopping.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6819 on: May 08, 2017, 02:41:14 PM »
I've tried those bubblegum bottles...they're OK. I used to love the bubblegum flavoured cup drinks, the ones you stuck a thin red straw in. They were bright blue coloured and they tasted gorgeous. I loved them so much years ago I bought a whole box of them. They were a very reasonable price too.

I love Haribo Tangfastics.

I would drink those milkshakes if they didn't give me eczema.  :-\

I've noticed Powerade Cherry tastes just like Haribo. That's why I love it. It's got aspartame in it though so I hardly drink it anymore.

Thinking of bright coloured drinks...I've always loved Slush Puppies. Blue raspberry was my favourite.

And thinking of blue raspberry and America, I remember on a Jamie Oliver programme they were filming school cafeterias there, and they gave the children blue raspberry milk. Pretty awful. Though, I didn't think much of the UK's school meals when I was in school.

Either saccharine or acesulfame K gives me migraines. Aspartame doesn't affect me AFAIK.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 02:53:10 PM by Fun with matches »

Offline Lestat

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6820 on: May 08, 2017, 03:00:27 PM »
That doesn't say aspartame doesn't affect you negatively yet you avoid it?

Blue raspberry milk sounds vile. Although I agree with you on the slushpuppies, those are lovely, blue raspberry is my favourite.

Not sure if its the same stuff, but you can still get the fizzy bubblegum pop, bought 4 liters of it just earlier today actually.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6821 on: May 08, 2017, 10:02:18 PM »
Candy, sweets aaaaand lollies! We say lollies over here in Australia.

I took mine not long ago - benztropine, dexamphetamine, moclobemide, lithium and Caltrate.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6822 on: May 09, 2017, 06:31:52 AM »
Candy, sweets aaaaand lollies! We say lollies over here in Australia.

I took mine not long ago - benztropine, dexamphetamine, moclobemide, lithium and Caltrate.

  "Sweets," to me at least, includes any dessert food.  "Candy" is more specific.  :P
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6823 on: May 09, 2017, 06:33:01 AM »
  All of it except the ibuprofen that I'll definitely need at some point in the day.  :tard:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline Fun With Matches

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6824 on: May 09, 2017, 08:28:35 AM »
Candy, sweets aaaaand lollies! We say lollies over here in Australia.

I took mine not long ago - benztropine, dexamphetamine, moclobemide, lithium and Caltrate.

  "Sweets," to me at least, includes any dessert food.  "Candy" is more specific.  :P

We don't really call dessert, "sweets". We just call it dessert. So there. :P