Could have used other days worth and got a replacement from the doc.
So no I don't

Added bitch-didn't see the doc I was meant to, had to get a replacement at the very last minute after turning up and finding the doctor in question (thankfully not my regular doc, the really decent one,) had been in a car crash, snapped his arm
And its taken me, that brief rousing for the dr appt aside, at 4pm from morning until just now, at 9:20 in the evening
to even wake up from the heavy, heavy doses of antiseizure/heavy-duty tranquilizer type meds in combination with my painkillers and muscle relaxers etc. Stuff hits like a sledgehammer even at smaller doses, this time I had to push it, stagewise, all the way up to 'survivable doses'
Thankfully my old man has now just gone out to go to a bar with some of his friends, so he's going to take his time and I'll have some additional time online before he gets back since hopefully he'll get good and soused and not pay attention to the time much.
Another bitch is that one of the receptionists has a blood clot on her lung, a really quite sweet young lass, very likeable, nice girl, funny to talk with. But shes been treated in an outpatient setting, still able to do her job so hopefully it isn't a truly serious one. Not that there are any GOOD kinds of course. And I swear, she keeps flirting with me. Giving me looks even a spazz like me can't fail to pick up on, and in the way she talks with me (sometimes making people wait until shes finished the conversation to book in even:P)
Could be worse people to have that from though by far, even if she is NT, since she IS cute, and seems a genuinely nice girl, early 20s, I doubt very much over 25, maybe 26 or so, and admittedly, very pretty. Although pretty sure she isn't autistic.