Author Topic: Did you take your meds today?  (Read 193899 times)

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6555 on: January 23, 2017, 05:16:58 AM »
Lollies for meds would be awesome.

Didn't take afternoon dose of dexamphetamine, not needed. Night time meds I'll take in about an hour and a half.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6556 on: January 23, 2017, 07:16:11 AM »
They actually do that Ren, actiq, its called, a delivery system for fentanyl, the Mu-opioidergic agonist, never had one in that form, but they are exactly what they sound like. Fentanyl-impregnaged lollies. Smack candy.  Never actually had one myself, but I wouldn't bother more than once, for the novelty factor, probably having had it transdermally and via IV. I've not liked any of the fentanyl family much, bar maybe alfentanil and lofentanil. They tried putting me on the regular vanilla edition (as in bog standard fent rather than flavour, afaik they only come in one flavour)

I'd probably taste it once and any spares or the remainder I'd keep as a collectors piece type item, or reserve it for emergency. Because despite being around 100x the potency of morphine on a weight basis, fentanyl blows ass. And thats not just my opinion, plenty of people seem to think the same. Oral, up the arse, IV, IM/SC (that is to say, a missed shot, not quite sure which route, probably some of both), transdermally, it really sucked. Same went for sufentanil and remifentanil (especially the last, as its meant for IV infusion, and to wear off minutes after administration, primarily for surgical anaesthesia, its the ultimate prick-tease unless (and never tried, in exogenously sourced form) beta-endorphin or other opioidergic peptides which last seconds to minutes also generally before being cleaved a new arse via enkephalinases and similar enzymes. But think about the duration of a male orgasm then gone)

Fentanyl doesn't have much going for it other than surgical anaesthesia or refractory non-neuropathic pain. In the recreational sense, its THE shittiest opioid I've ever tasted bar remifentanil, the entire family suck really, at least, out of fentanyl,remifentanil, sufentanil, alfentanil and lofentanil. The last two were the only ones I'd really enjoy repeating, and the last I probably wouldn't, as its extremely potent, and too likely to end me, or more likely, kill those handling my dead body or entering the area it was dosed in if it were indoors.

Short acting family of opioids with an atypical binding mode compared to most MOR agonist opioids, and functionally selective compounds such as herkinorin and IBNTXA (iodobenzyl or iodobenzoylnaltrexamide, forget if its benzyl or benzoyl, but its a biased agonist that results in very little recruitment of beta-arrestin, like herkinorin, a semisynthetic derivative of one of the salvinorins, salvinorin-B IIRC, derived from the diviner's sage, Salvia divinorum, a potent and outright weird fucker of a hallucinogen, acting rather than most such compounds do on serotonin 5HT2a or NMDA type glutamate antagonism, on the kappa-type opioid receptor as a potent and selective agonist, most unusual in that its a terpenoid and utterly devoid of nitrogen, unlike almost the entirety of the rest of opioidergics for either MOR, KOR or DOR, and presumably zeta and epsilon. and whatever the hell the lambda binding site is (this is...difficult to find out, it seems due to the receptor protein converting from a high-affinity to a low affinity state upon processing of brain material, but given the nature of opioid receptors, endogenous ligand is probably a peptide, and zeta is...just odd. A growth factor type receptor that has some sequence homology to other opioid receptors, and otherwise jack shit in common with anything either a layman or a neuroscientist would think of as opioid-like, mu- delta- kappa- or ORL1/nociceptin etc.

As for fentanyl itself, its short acting, highly potent and induces a whopper of a tolerance very quickly, plus extremely provocative of tachyphylaxis (short-duration high intensity transient tolerance upon relatively little exposure to the drug or its relatives, in addition to its classic opioid tolerance) and its cold, euphoria-devoid, and but for extremely refractory pain, morphine beats the shit out of it any day. Yet too many clandestine chemists are aiming to synth the stuff, despite its danger. And its ending up in street H as well, one more reason why bar a few times, I don't touch the stuff from the street. Got what I'm pretty sure was either fentanyl or its relatives of some kind-doped H a couple of times. And whilst I could generally speaking use several street-serving wraps intravenously, if I cared to do so, this particular stuff, SMOKED, a single bag, dosed a few specks at a time, lasted over a week. In fact, that was before even refilling my pipe more than a couple of times. Scared the piss out of me to be quite honest, and if I didn't have a tolerance to opioids of the MOR agonist type as a chronic pain patient, IMO I'd have been killed, at least, if it wasn't for my awareness of fentanyl and similar ultra-potent opioids. Its telling, that since it arrived on the local area, every contact, user and dealer, within two weeks, disappeared utterly. Uncontactable forever more. Dead, I think. If I'm not mistaken, then that stuff wiped out the lot of them within two weeks. Of those I know to have handled it, I'm the only one left alive for certain. The stuff had H in it, I could taste it in the vapour, and I'd know the taste of H and opium anytime. But in quantities so small that even pharm-grade or analytical standard-grade pure diamorphine, or home-cooked diamorphine starting with pharm grade morphine and acetic anhydride or acetyl halides, wouldn't have been feelable whatsoever, this stuff knocked me out cold several times. And to do that it takes around a half to one gram of IV morphine sulfate. Whereas this...shit...strong shit, but shit still, despite it being so shockingly potent, a dose sufficient to provoke a total KO was, by eye, around the size of the pyrotechnic composition on the end of a single match stick, if scraped off, and whilst I don't go in much for H, dipropionylmorphine, in pure form, uncut, and to the latter can be vouched for with utter, complete certainty, having witnessed every moment from morphine sulfate, synthesis and administration without it ever having left my sight, and which is around 7-8x to 10x the potency of pure diamorphine, wouldn't do much in the doses taken to such dramatic effect. Stuff is a plague for street users IMO. Better plague than The Plague, (as in the Black Death) granted, but still a plague.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 07:29:56 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6557 on: January 23, 2017, 01:06:06 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6558 on: January 23, 2017, 01:07:06 PM »
  I'm working on it.  It's a day off and I'm being really lazy today.  :P
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6559 on: January 23, 2017, 04:25:40 PM »
8mg tizanidine down the hatch. Can't remember if I took evening dose of chlormethiazole, so if I feel like I need it, I'll take one and make sure. Steep dose-response curve, and unforgiving in OD, extremely so. But that would be below a recreational dose, even, so no harm done if it equates to one extra 192mg cap.

30-40mg oxycodone as a top-up. Can't remember if I took my evening morphine dose, I don't think I did. If I didn't, it will let me know of the fact anyw..err...oh, no I didn't. Just spotted it prepared and ready.

4x0.18mg pramipexole tablets (a dopamine agonist, primarily an antiparkinsonian med, but I use it for RLS. RLS sucks dog schlong)

Will take clonidine once I've finished with the above. And had a good long slurp of cold guava juice, because Lestat is thirsty indeed at the moment..CBF with taking any cyclizine right now (its a sedating antihistamine and antiemetic/antinauseant, of particularly high caliber in the last purpose, and also, unusually good combined with morphine in a soluble form for IV use, the combination known as cyclimorph, or rather, something pretty close to it,  since mine is as the HCl form and the hydrochloride has piss poor water solubility, so the lactate is a good alternative. I'd bet that the citrate and ascorbate (vitamin C salt) would prove water soluble although I haven't yet tested them. So a little work is needed before that can be used thusly, just formation of the freebase, recrystallization and dissolution of the base in a solvent then addition of a polar solvent containing the stoichiometric quantity of the acid of choice to the non-polar with the cyclizine base in it. Then mixing, evaporation of solvent, as well as filtration of it in solution before crystallizing since it would have to be extracted from cyclizine HCl tablets, in order to remove tablet binder residues. Or of course, distillation of the freebase would do it, not sure if its fair dos without resorting to vac distillation.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Offline renaeden

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6560 on: January 23, 2017, 10:32:16 PM »
Took my morning meds and went back to bed for an hour. Not looking forward to next week and beyond, four days a week of getting up early.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6561 on: January 24, 2017, 04:27:09 AM »
Morphine, clonidine, tizanidine, oxy and chlormethiazole done, as well as a squirt of nasal decongestant spray up the...well where did you think:P
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6562 on: January 24, 2017, 05:12:27 AM »
  So far, just the omeprazole.  It's still very early.  :yarly:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6563 on: January 24, 2017, 09:56:44 AM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6564 on: January 24, 2017, 10:10:41 AM »
  All pilled up for a great day of ... doing nothing.  :P
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6565 on: January 24, 2017, 01:47:57 PM »
Just got back from an appointment in the eye hospital a while ago, who increased the dose of steroid (prednisolone) from twice to three times a day plus picked up more eyeball-lubricant drops, called hylo-forte, thats hyluronate sodium in solution and is meant to help stop the areas of what from the gist of the conversation between a dr and a nurse who'd both looked at my eye sounds like cataract, along with some innapropriate areas of vascularization, or revascularization not as it should be. But the good news is the physical burn to my cornea has apparently more or less healed now. Question is, what to do about it and I have another appointment for follow up.

So, it goes. So to speak. My vision is crap, though, not sure if it was 5/20 and 6/20 respectively, in left and right, but my right eye is crap anyway, after an accident I had in my early teens. The lucky thing is though that the areas of, as far as I could gather, they didn't bother to take the time to explain enough, iffy vascularization aren't over the cornea. Still doesn't help my vision not be shite though.

And the slit-lamp examinations are, quite honestly, loathesome.  Not quite so bad, especially with both local anaesthesia and my having had three back to back shots of morphine before leaving the house for the eye hospital of about 300mg per, as they originally were shortly and for quite some time after having the injury that put me in the hospital in the first place. That was absolutely excruciating, since at the time I couldn't even open my eyes, and had them fucking pried open with a dr's fingers and a searing bright white light blasted into my eyes from a few inches away. , from having previous to the examinations at first response, had to cover my  face with a coat to prevent light getting in. Oh gods in hell did that ever hurt.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6566 on: January 24, 2017, 02:40:02 PM »
I'm not on any.

No wine yet either.

Pure, undiluted ass pie, until my allergies kick in at least.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6567 on: January 24, 2017, 03:11:00 PM »
The PR -  :thumbup:
Me -  :thumbdn:
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6568 on: January 24, 2017, 09:50:46 PM »
All pilled up for a great day of ... doing nothing.  :P
Same here. Took my meds straight after breakfast so I'm not waiting until I feel like crap before I take them.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6569 on: January 25, 2017, 05:25:37 AM »
Heaven forbid you become a diluted aspie.

Isn't that called PDD-NOS these days:autism: (no offense intended towards those with a PDD-NOS Dx, that just had a funny ring to my mind)

I did indeed as of a few minutes ago. I was MEANT to pick up both some nitrazepam (a long-acting hypnotic benzo) and some additional oxycodone this week on monday but the repeat wasn't altered as it should have been.  So I managed to get an appointment with my GP, the good one that knows me well and isn't a dick, and get those added so its done automatically and I don't have to go without for days.

And something, or at least the beginnings off, something I have been fighting for for years and needing greatly (a memantine script, so I can pick it up from the docs surgeryy on rx with the rest of my meds rather than have to spend time hunting round chemical supply houses, indian pharmacies, suppliers in eastern europe etc. who I don't like and don't trust any further than I can piss after tying a knot in my cock and stapling it to the nearest tree trunk. And not to mention I can ill afford it either.

And I've finally managed to secure, albeit a somewhat illogical definite medical status of which to achieve before starting it. A definite answer, which I have been nipping at their heels with the persistence of hell's own hounds for years. I think my doc realizes this is one thing I am absolutely not prepared to compromise on in a manner equating to my dropping the subject. That, is quite simply, not on offer, not on the table, not happening or up for discussion. I do not usually be quite so forceful and direct with drs, I have respect for the guy and like him, he's a genuinely kindly man who looks out for his patients. He just, well he trained in an era that did not leave him with the knowledge level I have in terms of neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacology in general. But I've managed, finally to come to another compromise with him, drop something else, which I already wanted off anyway, before starting it.

Hopefully he will be content to sit back and allow me to run the likes of finding optimum dose titration in terms of total dose, speed/schedule of increasing from start point to end point, and generally speaking, leave this one in my hands for direction, reporting back to him as to any negatives, positives or other effects of neutral value but demonstrably due to the drug.

In any case, its one I am very familiar with, and which I already know the above pretty much, know what I am doing with it and how best to do it. To him, my GP, its just an alzheimer's disease drug for moderate to severe alzheimer's which has not demonstrated significant benefit in mild disease.

To me, the mode of action is quite well understood (an uncompetitive NMDA type ionoropic glutamate receptor antagonist of very long half life indeed, but with rapid on-off receptor binding kinetics that binds similarly to magnesium. Of a modest affinity, and which selectively binds to NMDA receptors when the levels of glutamate binding (the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the CNS) are excessive, it binds only to the open state of the NMDAr ion channel, so can only shut down its action when the receptor is activated, and not, unlike other, more highly dissociative NMDA blockers such as PCP and ketamine, as a noncompetitive antagonist, and whilst it can produce dissociative effects it takes a   really quite large dose to do so, and the resulting effects are subtle.

And it also preferentially blocks extrasynaptic NMDARs rather than the postsynaptic type involved in LTP, and thus learning and memory acquisition and encoding. Also excellent for neuropathic pain, far, far better than the drug I dropped, gabapentin. As well as possessing effects facilitating attention span as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor although not a highly potent one, thats more of a bonus with the stuff really and it has a fantastic effect upon tolerance to opioids. It squashes existing tolerance, resulting in quite an effective reduction in tolerance and more efficiency for a given dose of painkiller, it helps a great deal also in preventing tolerance climbing, or if a patient isn't  there already, helping greatly slow and attenuate development of a tolerance or dependency. Both physical and psychological. Quite honestly I think clinics that offer the likes of methadone maint. or buprenorphine, etc. and detox facilities should have this drug as a part of their arsenal as a first resort, since it also helps kill cravings, presumably through a combination of both the NMDA antagonism, which exerts a modulatory effect upon Mu-opioid receptors and its dopaminergic effects. Kills physical withdrawal and cravings very effectively. as well as having antidepressive effects.

And as another bonus, the stuff works absolute wonders on overloading/overstimulation of the spazzy kind. Although doesn't in the least do anything horrid like reduce or stop me stimming like a stimmy, spazzy spazz enjoying a good spazzfest.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.