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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6000 on: April 23, 2016, 05:53:20 AM »
  Yes I did.  All set for another day of kicking ass!  :pirate:
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6001 on: April 23, 2016, 03:24:32 PM »
Not all of them, only my chlormethiazole and pain meds, and my pramipexole, as well as took a few muscle relaxers earlier, because my hamstrings are not just tight and twanging, but tuned WAY beyond top 'E'

Only just had those though. and just BARELY managed to take my pain meds, I'd prepared those and drawn it up, then gone and knocked the then empty container to the ground, just seconds after taking what I needed out of it. Two  seconds earlier and my pain meds wouldn't have done anything but go on the floor.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6002 on: April 24, 2016, 10:30:54 PM »
I did. A bit late this morning but better late than not at all. I slept in.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6003 on: April 25, 2016, 10:57:02 AM »
Yes. I sort of doubt their usefulness today. :-\
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6004 on: April 25, 2016, 12:51:14 PM »
  Yes, and I can feel the need to add a Prilosec.  :sick:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6005 on: April 25, 2016, 02:26:21 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6006 on: April 26, 2016, 09:27:16 AM »
No. Only  a small dose of chlormethiazole, a bit of oxy enough to prevent any withdrawal effects, two muscle relaxers (4mg tizanidine each) and a couple of 25ug clonidine.
Needed to put some of a mixture I had a bit of, consisting of a mixture of lidocaine and benzocaine on my feet. I'm having a flare of pompholyx. Happened yesterday, and its flayed off a large patch of skin on both feet. Fuck. Its so painful to walk now, jesus. *shakes somewhat*, I'm in so much pain right now its ridiculous, it literally feels like I've poured acid  all over the soles and sides of me feet, down my raw, bare flesh.
Not quite as painful as that happening CAN be, its happened by accident before, not like the brutal, screaming hairy bastard, shocking AGONY that resulted from for instance, getting really concentrate perchloric  down the palm of one of my hands *>85%  HClO4, which literally disintegrated my skin (I've seen non-flesh organics quite literally disintegrate, smoking, or burst into flames in some cases upon application of  that strength of perchloric acid, its a stronger acid than both conc. sulfuric, or concentrated HNO3 (nitric acid)  (acid) dissociation constants:       [(pKa)   −3, 1.99 for H2SO4,  for HNO3, 1.4, and that of perchloric, HClO4  is -10!]   (lower numbers for acid dissociation constants  mean a stronger acid, dissociation constant (acid), PKa, being the measure of how ionized into a proton and the conjugate base of the acid, thus being a measure of how available that acid's protons are whilst in solution, ergo, as the proton is the medium of acidity [not the best way to word it IMO, BUT about as good as its about to get given I've had no sleep at all tonight :P]  close enough anyway.

So obviously, at -10 that makes perchloric acid an awful lot stronger than concentrated sulfuric or nitric acids, and unlike sulfuric, unless both very strong H2SO4, and hot, it doesn't display the property of being an oxidizing acid, hot, concentrated H2SO4 is oxidizing but never like nitric, and certainly not like perchloric, which is, once it gets concentrated then it is a strong oxidizing agent as well as strong acid. And it needs careful handling because it can form explosive residues by reacting with organics making conc HClO4 of 80% plus, especially heated quite dangerous stuff, its got a particularly NASTY habit too, of if spilled on a wooden bench, of reacting with the wood to form shock, and friction-sensitive explosive derivatives of the wood itself; and if used in a fume hood, that hood needs to be rigorously cleaned internally, including the ductwork to make sure there isn't a potential build up of any surprises of a kablooeysome nature, preferably a dedicated hood, if this is possible for the users/owners of the hood, although its not absolutely mandatory given sufficient care is taken. But I can't manage that, so must make do with careful cleaning of anything used in the handling of HClO4, I just can't afford, and don't actually have the space to FIT a dedicated single purpose one. for space is at a premium, since I lost the good luck of having a whole garage, excluding all the clutter, still, I used to have so, so much more room, the kind where I, when still learning, didn't have to worry too much about, for instance, the exothermic flashboiling and subsequent vaporization of a portion of chloroacetone (around a shot-glass worth, I'd made at the time, and no, it isn't something one would drink haha, or allow IN a drinking vessel, actually, when that happened it sent me pelting out of that enclosed space at what was as much frantic dive, as it was bipedal locomotion, covering my face, holding breath, letting it out only to swear both virulently and profusely in a torrent of choking, spluttering, face, nose and eyes streaming, stinging profanity, of the sort that would make a marine drill sgt. stop and blush pink, because mono- di- and trichloroacetones are all three of 'em, powerful lachrymators. Actually they don't smell too bad, if one speaks purely of WHAT they smell like, rather than considering their actual effect upon mucous membranes, airways, eyes, nostrils and skin, the smell still retains much of the character of the acetone used to prepare chloroacetone] Not that nowadays  I cannot laugh about it, because looking back, to see my teen self in my 'mind's eye', first building up to a rhinoesque charge towards the garage door, which when the garage existed still, before its conversion to a room downstairs for my mom because of her disability, and while I was actually in the middle of working inside, I'd always draw the door down low, but not fully closed, for ventilation and to permit my rapid egress all the same if ever it became essential to do so for safety reasons (like then, that chloroacetone was being made in a beaker improvised from a shot glass, before I was able afford and buy a set of the more sophisticated kit of the kind to which I've not only become accustomed to having, but have perhaps become a little spoilt, in that I only use the improvised containers like that when there is a good reason, such as working with something intensely corrosive and very aggressive, etc. or that would befoul my treasures with those kinds of crap that just doesn't like to come off again. Such as the time I was busy having a go at making some of my own sulfur monochloride and disulfur dichloride by passing hot chlorine gas through a tube into a container of sulfur, kept molten, that sort of thing. Because damn, really hot Cl2 is not kind to tubing other than glass (disposed of after one use, because it went from flexible and clear, to cracked, crumbling, powdery and whiteish-creamy colored, with hints of sulfur on the other end within hours, changing color faster still. The vessel for the sulfur I improvised from a large off-the-shelf meth pipe, with a borosilicate (all lab glass should be, other than if something specialised like a quartz tube is needed for things that need to pass UV light, etc., as borosilicate unlike soda lime glass has an excellent resistance to thermal shock, due to its low expansion coefficient) bulb about the size of a navel orange, I.e around the size of a clenched adult male human fist, but a bit bigger and rounder) that came with a long glass stem to attach the chlorine stream supply line from where it was being generated by the HCl(aq) being oxidized with a portion of the industrial-strength NaOCl I was lucky enough one time to find in a skip, a 5or 6 gallon drum of it, with the contents nearly or actually totally untouched. That was to be consigned by the owners of the skip (hirers, rather) to the tip, so I went, begging bowl in hand and did my best Oliver impression (please sir, can I have some MOOOREEE?' (well not quite literally with a begging bowl, I have nothing of the kind, but certainly went round and managed to beg myself the entire drum full, although I did have to carry it home myself, which I expected no less of course. Although fucking christ, a 5-6 gallon drum of water would be heavy enough, but with a very concentrated solution of heavy, industrial-strength chlorine bleach (although commercial bleach has lye in it, this is just strong, strong hypochlorite) deadlifting that into the air to my shoulder height and over my head onto my bent back , that was so heavy I had to stagger back home, and a journey that unencumbered would take a half hour or thereabouts ended up taking hours, with my stopping to rest every few hundred feet, probably panting and sweating like a plantation slave under the crack of the overseer's whip hand in the midday tropical heat:P  Although of course I WAS taking my newfound bounty home with me, regardless of how sore my arms and back, or how long it took to heave and lug it there because it was something for ME, that I greatly desired once setting eyes on it, which of course is a good motivator if ever there is one.

That NaOCl drum has STILL not run out, got lots left even though its my primary source of chlorine gas when I need some.

But that meth pipe (not bought for meth smoking, I went and bought it specifically, because there was, and IS no damn chance I'm going to start torching one of my OWN flasks, full of sulfur, when it can set afterwards. I didn't bother cleaning it out, just belting it with a hammer afterwards to reclaim the block of solidified sulfur. Only to find it had obviously formed some amount of sulfur halides, just I wasn't able that time to produce enough, to distill off the SCl2 and S2Cl2 as they formed, and leaving the sulfur with some presumably dissolved in it, because it STANK something terrible, acrid, part HCl, partly SOx and I'm pretty sure I could smell hints of hydrogen sulfide, the horridly toxic stinky rotten egg gas (its something like hydrogen cyanide gas in anything but traces such as come off rotten eggs.  Most dangerously though it also paralyzes the olfactory nerve after exposure ( temporarily, assuming it doesn't also go on to kill the person outright, or simply drop them dead with one breath of it) so it can lead people
to think the H2S has gone away now, all is well and fine, I can't smell a thi*glurk!....dead!*....   because it HADN'T gone, it just knocked out the ability of the person so tricked by it, to smell that foul rotten egg reek after all)

Only a little, nothing dangerous, one needs little to detect the stink, one hens egg gone off is quite enough :P, but it was trapped in the solid matrix of part-used sulfur and continually offgassing in tiny amounts with the hydrochloric fumes and sulfur dioxide etc., so I tossed the lot. The pipe from the head shop bought for the experiments proved just the thing, only worth a few pounds so like the globe inside of solidified sulfur it could just be consigned to the scrapheap, unlike had it been some of my treasured equipment. Thats where the buckets and tin cans come in, etc., those have their place still. But where I CAN, I'm definitely a bit spoiled now that way in that I expect to use some nice quality glass rather than jerry-rigging everything up.

But of course now I'm old enough to have both internet connection, paypal/bank card and income that is nobody's but my own, and don't rely on (or get, not that I'd turn my nose up at one) an allowance,  which was far more difficult when younger, and anything I could lay my hands on was something like a lottery win, in the case of fine equipment, because even having money, if I hadn't my own net connection) then actually translating the cash in my wallet into physically being exchanged and the goods asked for was far harder if possible ever.

Definitely something I got used to, and fast, being able to pop online and watch the auctions. Hehe now thats always something good to happen. And should be being done soon. I want to buy some new condensers, still heads and claisen adaptors most, plus I still need a manifold to make use of the vacuum pump my dad bought me for a birthday present the other year. After thats done though I can rarely help myself and resist a bit of a spending spree on new glass, and I need some more consumable supplies of various kinds, especially to replace a lot that was stolen from me by some greedy bastard who half inched some of my stuff. (the thought of what must have happened when certain unlabelled, but very unpleasant if allowed to contact air or moisture, things were opened, hopefully right next to the iodine he stole from me,  and the solvents and other valubles, aluminium dust...oh boy.  *I* knew what was in that jar on my lab shelf with the triple lots of nested, sealed, clingfilm-wrapped containers in the sealed dessicant filled glass jar full of, like the nested vessels within, dried argon gas to prevent it reacting with the atmospheric moisture, and O2, so there was no label.

But very reactive, and pyrophoric hydride reducing agent in there will have burst into a torrent of flame,and an intense one at that, metal fires are no joke to put out either. Hopefully destroyed what he stole and hurt him badly. If that thief threw WATER on to put it out....damn am I glad not to be close by when he did so if he did the intuitive thing to put a fire out. That would have just turned the entire thing into one giant fireball. Preferably with his face in it.

So all those reagents need replacing, some of them very, very, VERY scarce, and for which I am lucky enough to be able to buy, and not have to make them from scratch every time, but for which I have but the one lone supplier I've cultivated, but I'd never even dare ask for, anywhere else. Even if I could find some. I'll be able to, but only because of that good relationship. Those, IMO,are worth their 'weight' (metaphorically speaking, for of course it is a weightless nonphysical concept, not a thing that has mass) in gold.

About to have my dopamine D1/D3 agonist for the RLS and just have taken my gabapentin.

Meds, took another dose of chlormethiazole a little bit ago, an extra one, but thats because I had been lying on the sofa, taking a nap, and woke in the beginnings of a myoclonic seizure, so ran upstairs to grab a heminevrin from the bottle and take it as quick as I could before anything really bad happened. One thing I like about that med, is its not only effective, but being liquid in gelcaps it begins to take effect very quickly after swallowing a dose, so it works well to terminate that kind of thing before it can become more than some bodily jerking and muscle twitches, before I can lose consciousness if it decides to go that way. Actually, whilst given its a potent sedative hypnotic, and one of the most abusable, or recreational if someone wants to use it for that, that are ever given to someone on an outpatient basis (I,e excluding the likes of short-duration barbiturates, propofol, etomidate and the like, used in hospital general anaesthesia don't count)  I don't know if I can get it done, but I want to ask my docs for a small increase in dose (I haven't once, in years asked for a dose increase of it, never tolerance-induced escalation etc., in fact it forms very little, in me, as used. ) but I'd like at least one more capsule per day, as its short-medium duration acting, so can wear off if I sleep, by the time I wake. Meant to take one in the morning, one at night, but if I had a third, I could then time it evenly split and I think that one more would be quite enough, two would be convenient sometimes, but not always needful, I'll ask, but would happily enough settle for an extra single unit per day. Just for the reason of how long it acts for, making it really easy for it to wear off and leave me waking to the beginnings of a seizure.

Kinda easy to sleep in all the more on it too, considering that its very much like the barbiturates in effect, and in comparison, benzodiazepines just embarrass themselves if they were to try and look that effective :P Slewping pills, surprise surprise, if used as antiseizure meds too, have a tendency for people to SLEEP :P:P

Not that if I am refused any more, and I don't think, after quite a few years of stable twice-daily dosing, and with it being so effective, and my having almost zero side effects, asking for that motivation is unreasonable. But if they won't, it can be taken care of without difficulty:)

I don't want a huge pile, daily, just enough for a little top-up of plasma levels, to let me sleep as I will, without having to worry about keeping either the bottle, or a single cap within reach (although I rather keep them in the glass bottles, not put in a pocket, because chlormethiazole MELTS plastic, indeed its meant never to be dispensed from pharmacies in anything but glass, unless there is a reason they haven't GOT a bottle of that kind to give. I'd imagine its none too friendly on synthetic clothing fibers either, I can definitely picture it having a go if I stuck a dose in the pocket of something other than natural fiber clothes)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6007 on: April 27, 2016, 03:29:18 PM »
two days in a row - a recent record.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6008 on: April 27, 2016, 09:30:48 PM »
Good. And I'm surprised you don't write it down and keep a note with you, for selfreference to make sure you have taken everything you need. Aren't some or all your meds related to your haematopoietic squirrelyness?

Took most of mine for today, I.e, yesterday just gone now. Forgot my proton pump inhibitor though, bugger, just remembered so that I'll do now once I dump the empty chocolate muffin case that I just finished with)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6009 on: April 28, 2016, 06:08:56 AM »
  Yes I did, and I have made a medication appointment for next month.  :thumbup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6010 on: April 28, 2016, 06:16:43 AM »
Haven't yet taken my night meds but will after I write this.

For some reason my dexamphetamine is now packaged differently - still in a bottle but it is a shorter and fatter one. It also comes sealed with a packet of desiccant (sp) inside.

It is weird to see this change after it being the same since 2004.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6011 on: April 28, 2016, 06:24:53 AM »
Haven't yet taken my night meds but will after I write this.

For some reason my dexamphetamine is now packaged differently - still in a bottle but it is a shorter and fatter one. It also comes sealed with a packet of desiccant (sp) inside.

It is weird to see this change after it being the same since 2004.

  You did spell  "desiccant"  correctly, I Googled.  :2thumbsup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6012 on: April 28, 2016, 04:03:23 PM »
Haven't yet taken my night meds but will after I write this.

For some reason my dexamphetamine is now packaged differently - still in a bottle but it is a shorter and fatter one. It also comes sealed with a packet of desiccant (sp) inside.

It is weird to see this change after it being the same since 2004.

  You did spell  "desiccant"  correctly, I Googled.  :2thumbsup:
Yeah, wasn't sure if it was double s or double c. ;)
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6013 on: April 28, 2016, 07:13:48 PM »
To a reasonable degree. Skipped a dose of pramipexole (mirapex, dopamine agonist preferring D1 and D3), didn't bother with any gabapentin until just recently, when I took 10x300mg capsules), haven't taken any  ondansetron because I have not needed to. Did have a few buscopan though to make sure I don't get any stomach cramps, haven't yet put on a fresh  transdermal hyoscine patch though ,I will in a bit. Can't remember how many cyclizine I've had today.  Not too fussed.  had most of things, still need to take my PPI. Had an additional boost to my pain meds while I was out in town, well sort of. two bottles of codeine cough mixture. Because he had to get a lift home after seeing his social worker, and after doing some grub shopping, with a load of heavy, heavy bags (about 50 quid worth of steak, plus every pack of shiitake mushrooms in Tesco, and a load of packs of  fresh passion fruit (although he's eaten a lot of them already, he's got through about 6 packs of them, at least, so far.

Lol...he REALLY has had an appetite today after getting back home. Why?

The leather jacket he bought from a charity store for kids with cognitive disabilities, and presumably autism as well, £4.50 for the coat. And it came with a funny little lump in the side of the pocket in a tiny, insignificant hole in the lining, just managed to get one of his pairs of artery clamps in there and fish it out. Thought it was a bit of muck at first, just generic muck, or a chocolate chip from the muffin he had brought to scarf down on the way to see the social worker,  until he felt the texture. Put a lighter flame to it briefly and sniffed.

He'd know that spicy, aromatic, strangely pepper-like scent ANYWHERE. Hashish. And good hash at that. Lestats not had any for ages , its been so, so long, all he's had since has been either skunk or synthetics. Wasn't a huge quantity, a wee nugget of dark treacly brown heaven-sent, peppery, spicy, aromatic, wonderful manna. Been waiting after ringing the prearranged signal to his old man for my lift home, which should have taken perhaps 10 minutes at most. Loads of traffic, no feedback, so didn't know if I was even GETTING my lift home, and with all those bags. Ended up stuck standing around on  my bloody well tod  for at LEAST half an hour, maybe ttwice that, but best guess is about 3/4 hour, in the howling wind, belting it down with rain, getting absolutely piss wet through, and frozen to the bone, more or less just looking like an exhausted, REALLY fucked the hades off drowned rat, and feeling sorry for himself. Not his old man's fault, heavy traffic. But all the same, no fun at all. So on finally getting home, having myself an ice cold beer, a belt of morphine sulfate, a rollup and a bite to eat, that was nice. But shucking out of my clothes, wriggling into a nice warm robe, and then as going to hang up the new leather, and finding that little present from lady luck. That hit the spot alright! And pretty good stuff too. Not the best he's had, and not the finest in flavour, but nor was it poor. Presumably had been in there a while, so some of the terpenoids responsible for much of the bouquet in skunk/hash, being volatile, will have evaporated from the surface layer exposed to air over time.

One thing that DEFINITELY, definitely has not declined though, is the potency. Got taken quite by surprise actually. Kinda sneaks up on one. Thought it may not be so good at first hint of a toke from the bong, as he's gotten sort of used to synthetics, some of which have an action fast enough to cause unconsciousness in seconds, if enough be vaporized. and smoking proper, ordinary skunk in a bong hits fast usually. This lil fucker, positively set me ears ringing and head buzzing.

A real creeper, but long lasting, and strong as hell once it actually kicked in fully. So far, went through half a supermarket's worth of passion fruit, two pizzas, stacked one on top of the other, a tub of raspberry sorbet, a couple of 4-packs of, plus one more in his pocket from before when he set off to see his social worker, some jelly babies, and a load of the bag full of sour bubblegum bottle chews he got the other day. Plus beer of course. Beer is always good :D

And a nice warming mug of navy rum to round things all off :)

There's still room for more though. But for now, not actually hungry as such, could fit more chow down there but no pressing need to stuff myself stupid. Quite content to put my feet up, pack a mix and have a toke of my lil windfall. Seems to have been my lucky day today. 3 separate finds of money, the smallest of them a pound. Well four, technically, since there was a corroding old penny in a pocket of that leather coat, but that just went in the bin. Hash, thats welcome any time. Can't say as I've got the slightest hint of a use for a manky old 1p piece and an almost as mangy, secondhand hairband:P

Not the only find though, a lost shopping bag with, nowt in there, but an untouched, unopened, sealed pack of honey and lemon cough candies. Not the active kind of cough candy, but nice enough
sweets in and of themselves.

Had most of my meds today, now. Although I think I'll have a last dose of morphine before I go to bed, stay up for a while, play some of that videogame I've been trying to crack since '95 (its actually worth
playing that long, as a fan of the series, they are a bit of a cult classic, if that makes sense. Not all  that widely known, but the series really has its fans. And theres endless replay value, since its open-ended, as far as the missions are randomly generated from a set of basic templates. So theres endless replay value. And I'm doing alright, holding my own at least, although things are getting rather..well escalating from a series of armed engagements into one hell of a pitched, bloody conflict. At least though, now, my troops have managed to remain alive through a combination of luck, and good tactics. Got it on a
much higher difficulty setting too than I've played it before at. But regardless, alive long enough for sufficient research into the enemy's tech that enough nigger-rigged reverse engineered developments, not to mention some of the humans own surprises, to be fully kitted out in heavy, heavy armor, fielding some hybrid tech-based hover-tanks that are proving such effective force multipliers that I only need send in a small team of men, to make room in the troop transport for a pair of said tanks, keeping a few on base, to deal with any unwelcome visitors. (Hasn't everybody at some point, wanted a fucking tank, to answer the front door when the jehovah's witnesses come 'a thumpin' their bibles and wanking their watchtower. Only to end up having their nose picked for them. With the barrel of a cannon :P
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6014 on: April 29, 2016, 05:36:35 AM »
  Yes I did.  Drinking my coffee to complete the process of mental preparation for the day! :coffee:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"