Some of them.
Pramipexole-yes (its a dopamine receptor agonist, of the non-ergot alkaloid flavour), took one earlier.
Fexofenadine- (long, long, LONG acting, nonsedating antihistamine), no, I didn't bother, its a heap of shite quite frankly. It may have a grossly extended duration of supression of mast cell degranulation. Its so long acting that people undergoing skin prick/patch testing for allergen sensitivity need several WEEKS washout period, if somebody has been using it long enough to reach a steady-state plasma level, as the prolonged blockade of mast cell degranulation thus prevents histamine release, ergo, buggering up the test completely (although if I were to go and look up fexofenadine in the index of my copy of the BNF, I'm not so sure its publishers would have used the word 'bugger' in a pharmaceutical monograph entry, somehow:P
Clonidine? yes, 125mcg earlier.
Tizanidine (similar to clonidine, alpha2 adrenoreceptor agonist, blocks noradrenaline release, but somewhat less effective at dropping blood pressure than is clonidine itself) lower weight potency, far more effective muscle relaxant-yes, 16mg earlier and a further 8mg a few minutes ago. I take it to unclench, unlock and help soothe the otherwise constant pain in my left calf muscle, courtesy of a botched knee surgery that left me with some nerve injury, the end effect being localized to the site of the actual injury rather than all of me, as it would do for someone with cerebral palsy, ending up pained, stiff and sore, with a constant muscle spasm in my calf.
Hurts like a total fucking bastard with it decides that whatever time it may be then would be the perfect time to flare up and do its worst, morphine, oxycodone, or morphine&oxy do dull the pain then, but thats ALL they do, there is nothing in the way of ameliorating the root cause behind it, not that a years old neuropathy is going to be fixable any time soon, at least, not if one isn't so stinking rich that money were no longer an object, in order to avail onself of the very latest in cutting edge medical assistance in that respect. I'm not, they aren't, and not likely to either.
So painkillers, steroids, NSAIDs, paracetamol, physically working out cramps if possible at all, gabapentin, and for what its worth, since I'm taking both anyway for reasons totally unrelated to the nerve pain itself, the morphine and oxy, keep taking as usual. Doesn't really do a great deal to be honest, for neuropathic pain, but, as the aphorism goes 'I'd sooner be hung for a sheep, as a lamb' (referring to livestock 'rustling' and the days of capital punishment, meaning if one is to do a thing, not to do so halfarsed about it. If a livestock-thief is going to do something to get busted and strung up, then they should make sure that at least they do so for that which is the most worth stealing [I.e, doing] so at least the person gets the most out of whatever the thing/situation/action/ etc. happens to be, and to go for the most high-value result of one's actions.
I.e 'to go the whole hog', if somethings worth doing, its worth doing properly, basically, although there are other, more subtle connotations to the phrase, that however, is the meat of things.
gabapentin,,not totally sure, I may have done, I might not, can't remember.
cimetidine, yes
cyclizine, yes,
gaviscon, no
chlormethiazole, not yet, had yesterday evenings dose, but none as yet today.
Buscopan (hyoscine/scopolamine as the quaternary ammonium butylbromide salt, so it doesn't cause central antimuscarinic psychotogen type effects (scopolamine, more modernly termed hyoscine, from Hyoscyamus, the genus containing the henbane plants, toxic plants of the nightshade order, related to for ex, tobacco, potato, Daturas, Brugmansia, tomato, and deadly nightshade/belladonna causes similar deleriant poisoning that atropine does, but since quaternary ammonium salts have an inherent electrical charge, which means that hyoscine butylbromide is quite unable to pass through the blood-brain barrier, at least, other quats are, and no reason to think otherwise in this case, and if it cannot enter the CNS, it cannot then go on to cause central toxicity, only peripheral nervous system effects, so it should be impossible for it exert a deleriant type effect.
Hyoscine/scopolamine I take in another form also, as a sustained-release transdermal patch. Slow to take effect though. I never have been a huge fan of transdermal patch delivery of things, its always too slow to take effect, and if one comes off then its very unlikely one is able to stick it back on.
The hyoscine patches are forever dropping off, and being flesh colored aren't easy to see, and I'm always finding the fuckers stuck to carpets, walls, my linen, walls etc.
Same went for nicotine patches although most of those were silver-colored so easy to spot if they come off. Fentanyl those were just awful in every conceivable manner of speaking, HATED those, I got given a few fentanyl skin patches by one of my doctors once as an experiment in finding me suitable analgesia for my shitty old hips/knees, when I was seeking an alternative opiate to oxycontin 80s. One of my GPs gave me some fent patches, and they proved to be an absolute pharmacokinetic and logistical nightmare, being slow to take onset and reach an active plasma concentration of the drug itself, during which they neglected to give me a dose of some sort of carry-over med, by which I mean a single, or perhaps 2-3 dosage units of a suitably strong opioid, so that one doesn't simply have one's plasma levels of whatever opioid med was in use prior to switching to transdermal fentanyl drop like a stone, which can cause patients switching from oral/injected/intranasal, delivery etc to end up in a really nasty withdrawal whilst waiting out the period from last dose of opioid via conventional routes, to the time when enough fentanyl has been released from the patch matrix and absorbed by the user, which can take a while.
I was back into the surgery the very next day after being given those, to ask for at worst, the same oxy script that I'D been taking previously, or for an alternative, Which is when I switched from the XR oxy, to much lower dose IR oxy to give some rapid orally active, decently bioavailable support to the analgesic regime, and decided to use morphine as my work-horse main opioid.
Still left to take Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor (blocks stomach acid release), and probably a few other things, but can't just remember for sure off the top of my head, I'll need to go look in my bag of meds. And there is a bowl of half-finished chlormethiazole and bromoethiazole (The name for the analog of chlormethiazole where bromine replaces chlorine, not used in medical practice, but the name is logical enough, so good enough for me

No reason not to include preparation of the Br-substituted analog as a side project whilst already aiming for chlormethiazole itself, seeing as how all the steps bar one are identical, the only difference being either to substitute thionyl bromide for thionyl chloride, or if using the Appel rxn with triphenylphosphine/CCl4, to swap carbon tetrabromide for plain common-or garden pleb variety vanilla carbon tet.
Wish it wasn't so much of a pissing swine to actually obtain carbon tetrachloride, its been judged and found 'heresy', in a manner of speaking, due to being a halocarbon, and not good for the environment, ozone layer, somewhat toxic, so it was taken out of any and all consumer-sale products such as dry-cleaning fluid and the like, and also, whilst not strictly speaking, subject to any form of ban that carries any force from eg. L.E, its even become relegated to the past in org.chemistry, save for uses where it really isn't suited well to being replaced, speciality uses etc. Things like use as a mere solvent, have gone the way of the dinosaurs, so its a bit of a swine to obtain for me, although I'm hoping that the main option open to me, would have some for sale, I hope.
If she turns out to have none to offer me, then its going to mean making some myself, making any precursors-to-precursors too if needs be, or trusting to luck, on the slim chance that I might be able to find an unbroken, undischarged antique fire extinguisher grenade (used to be fire extinguishing devices that were basically a hollow glass sphere filled with CCl4, to be thrown at a fire, thus smothering it with nonflammable carbon tetrachloride fumes. Not a very healthy idea, nor, as I understand, very effective either on fires large enough to justify being forcibly put out.
Some really rreallly old antique fire extinguishers used to be filled with it too, but like the fire-globes they aren't common, I've never actually SEEN one of either, not physically anyway, only pictures/photos, so I'd imagine that there is only a very slim chance of managing to find one on ebay. etc. etc. and even then, finding one that somebody other than myself had the same idea.
I'd sooner just buy some though in this case, to save me expense, effort and generally speaking, make the last step in the synth, which starts from the B-vitamin thiamine, followed by a bisulfite cleavage, metabisulfite seems to work too, which can be had OTC for those who don't either have a cultivated relationship(s) with reagent suppliers, or other good sources, as sodium metabisulfite is used in beer/wine making, not entirely sure what for, but there are sulfites in many wines, in small quanties as a preservative, some people have a sensitivity to sulfites and wines containing it can make the drinker feel pretty rotten if they drink it, not a wine drinker, or even somebody who can bear the stench of the vile stuff, I sure as shit wouldn't DRINK it, cheap and preservative laden or some posh-arsed , expensive bollocks.
Doesn't make a damn difference to me, where wine or champagne are concerned, WHAT the claimed quality of it, its all rank, acrid, noxious, stomach-turning putrescent dog faeces in a bottle.
Taken everything I can think of, off the top of my head, at least, most everything in terms of regular meds. All I can think of right now is a few hundred mg of 2C-B-FLY