I'd love some pain meds right now. I think my arthritis makes the aching joints part of the flu worse.
Pretty sure that is a "given."
I am actually trying to get off ALL of my pain meds. I had been using Oxy- or Hydro- codone for more than four years.
About a year ago, my prescription for Hydrocodone was one hundred fifty tablets per month, because it was expected that I would use four to six per day.
I managed to "kick" them on my own and asked for a different prescription. (do not misunderstand; as I began to "kick" I created a backstash of those left I did not ingest) (Now I know there is a body of influence that states that keeping a backstash only sets me up to fail in my quest to be off them, but that also assumes a particular weakness in ones intent to actually get off of them, once and for all. I do not agree that having a safety net to fall back upon is a dangerous thing, once you are finally ready to make sure you DO quit them.) It has been eleven months since I had opiates and I still have my stash, which I have not touched.
These days, I take only Tramadol and aspirin for what is left of my pain. I am making it.