Fuck....thats a bloody relief! Finally got my meds, better late than never I suppose.
The pharmacist in charge at the place I pick up my stuff is a gem at times, didn't mind one bit giving me that portion of my pain meds thats an IR formulation, the oxycodone I take for breakthrough pain/giving the morphine a little more welly when I prep my shots, the icing on the cake, so to speak, I throw in just a bit of oxy to a much larger serving of morph, and it helps give the latter a bit of kick, so to speak, helps fill in for potency what morphine fills in for on the 'quality' stakes, oxy is strong alright, but its got fuck all rush, whereas I find morphine/H/dipropionylmorphine have a fantastic rush, although at least in the case of morphine itself, I'm finding that I have to use a dirty great cannon of a syringe barrel, a 5ml at least, due to the relatively speaking, lower potency of morphine (as the sulfate salt, max. solubility at room temperature in water is about 60mg/ml, so I'm finding that I now have approached/hit the saturation point using my preferred shooting kit, a 2.5ml barrel/28, 30 or 31g point, depending on what the contents of the syringe are, and the viscosity of the solution to be administered, and have to do a full-up 5ml rig with saturated solution of morphine to not be a complete pain in the arse to do, and not need multiple fillings of the syringe/new needles being wasted, due to having to go back for seconds, in accounting for dosing with respect to tolerance.
Buggering nuisance.
But taken today? most, no. Just this moment did my first hit of morphine of this new rx refill, and took some IR oxy first thing whilst I waited, due to already being hours late thanks to the docs surgery, already feeling that start to kick in, and just starting to feel a nice juicy big shot of my morphine catch it up, already starting to feel nicely warm, fuzzy and contented, which is a big improvement on before I set out, when I had rather a nasty grumpy mood come over me, mainly due to a combination of feeling the aches and pains my pain meds and other things are meant to actually treat and deal with, uncovered/withdrawal forced on me due to the delay, and the fact itself of the fuckup and having to wait tapping my feet feeling restless and irritable, not to mention in considerable physical pain with my joints and my bad hand.
Perhaps I should ask those responsible for the up-enfuckage in question to examine the finger in detail. Its my middle finger, coincidentally. And coincidentally, certain people really need to go home and fuck a syphilitic pig in the ass and then throw themselves off beachy head