I did indeed. Well some of them.
I would have been due to pick up my prescriptions at half 8 in the morning today. But I had to go make an appointment to see my doc yesterday, as I had a really severe flare-up with my bad hip and knees.
Left with my morphine script doubled and some IR oxycodone thrown in. Although I was at the time I saw him, and when he asked what I had in mind for breakthrough pain relief, really distracted and having some problems with processing being delayed a while, as oxy is not what I had in mind, I got myself taken OFF the oxycontin 80s I was taking, so I could have instead a Rx for morphine sulfate.
Was quite pleased about that though, getting my dose upped, especially as I had to use the last of my morph pills on saturday as I could barely walk and could put no weight on my ankle without it trying to turn inwards and collapse, along with a bloody brutal, searing pain shooting up my leg (I mean, the pain doing the shooting up, not that I shoot up, that is [although I use my morphine IV, now with a wee splash of oxy IR added to the shots as they cook. anyway, or turn it into gear and analogs do the same.