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Did you take your meds today?

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conlang returns:

--- Quote from: conlang returns on February 06, 2024, 01:54:25 AM ---I have discussed with different doctors and we decided against tablets/pills because there is a risk of clotting that in my case might be higher (we don't know that for sure, but other people in my family have had problems).  The risk might be lower than I thought it was before, but it's become my understanding that injections is the most cost-effective way to get me the dose I need

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So I got my updated test results a few months ago and the only thing that was "off" was my estrone.  According to the doctor it's important for breast development.  So I asked her, considering I already have D cups, how likely is it really that they would get any bigger.  And she says "I don't know.  If you want to stop here we can do it, just keep going as we are," and I said, "Fuck me up, doc."

I'm now taking estradiol pills one week on and three weeks off, in addition to everything else.  Don't seem to have had any clots yet, she insists the risk is very low, so we'll see.  But everything seems fine on that front at least. 

Oh, and this thread reminded me to take my meds tonight lol. 

conlang returns:

--- Quote from: sg1008 on June 29, 2024, 02:41:37 PM ---No, i had smoked years before for very short periods, mostly in the company of a girl who was not actually a very good friend lol.

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Oh weird, I have had very similar experiences with smoking.  I figured I'd always be able to quit again, and then I started smoking in 2020 and kept doing it for two and a half years.  Finally quit nicotine when I moved to Detroit.  And then I kind of relapsed (nicotine only--I'm still sober) late last month after I got attacked in a park for being transgender.  I suppose I'll have to be back in Detroit to kick the habit again.

I'm so sorry you were attacked, how awful it must have been.

This is why I worry for Kayleigh (my trans housemate) when she goes out alone. Her appearance is fine but her voice gives her away. Sometimes I've driven her places rather than have her walk there or take public transport. Ignorant people don't see anything wrong about harming others.

I'll take my meds before group.


*starts to take medication*

So how about that no-hitter against those Jack Sparrow look-a-likes...


That Hugh Jackman movie had it's good moments, yet mostly bad. The writing just kinda sucked.

I'm taking it back to the library.

Gawd I miss smoking.

I took my meds.


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