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Did you take your meds today?

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I did.

conlang returns:
I'm actually trying very hard to resist right now, since I used my last two patches as a bridge for buying needles.  It's only been two days, but I think technically if I take them off tomorrow it won't be a waste exactly.  But it's still a lower dose than I'm prescribed which is why my doctor wanted to switch me to injections. 

Ate breakfast before I realised I should have taken my meds first. It's an esomeprazole day. I'll have to take it before lunch instead.

I've also started taking Montelukast again for asthma. Hopefully, in combination with my other asthma meds, it will help. I'm sick of wheezing 24/7.

I did. Thankfully. I did something weird with my back this morning while taking a shower and the anti-inflammatory seems to have helped to avoid the worst consequences.

conlang returns:

--- Quote from: conlang returns on January 12, 2024, 01:34:31 PM ---I'm actually trying very hard to resist right now, since I used my last two patches as a bridge for buying needles.  It's only been two days, but I think technically if I take them off tomorrow it won't be a waste exactly.  But it's still a lower dose than I'm prescribed which is why my doctor wanted to switch me to injections. 

--- End quote ---

been a minute since I posted here.  I suppose an update is warranted:

I have my needles and have been taking injections regularly.  And I have an extra vial for when my current one runs out.  idk when to get my next refill though.  We'll have to see


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