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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6900 on: July 04, 2017, 12:59:51 PM »
I respond REALLY well to clonidine, I'm on no APs, but it still works great, I think of it kinda like an earth wire for my CNS. Helps it not get shell-shocked. Human circuit breakers. Another good one is tizanidine, shorter acting, but more powerfully relaxing. And it works against tic-like clonus type stuff of non-epileptiform origins too. Its stronger a myorelaxer than clonidine, although when first getting used to it it can put you out like a light at high doses. I need it as a myorelaxer due to the spasticity in my iffy leg's calf muscle due to some neuropathy there.  And  whilst it isn't available here, guanfacine is used for AD(H)D and its another one of these alpha-2 agonists/imidazoline receptor ligand combinations like clonidine with a long half life. Probably makes anything like that (pretty feckin iffy) combination of amphetamines and moclobemide less prone to being quite such an insane combination too due to the way it stamps on the noradrenergic brakes.

It (guanfacine) seemingly is more subtype selective in a nootropic way.

As for the biphasic effects on concentration/attention facilitation in ADxD conditions, as I understand it, its a matter of reaching a point where the initial effect, feedback to presynaptic autoreceptors (autoreceptors affect the cellular synaptic pairing the autoreceptor is located on, whilst a heteroreceptor can affect other cells, and USUALLY although not always [an exception being the short isoform of D2, the dopaminergic autoreceptor, which is coupled to TAAR1, trace amine-associated receptor type 1, which is coupled to DAT in a negatively regulatory manner. Activation of D2Sh (there are two isoforms, D2Sh and D2-long, D2short is the autoreceptor, and reading recently allowed me to understand why D2 antagonists didn't increase dopaminergic release, and antipsychotics were antidopaminergic instead of pro-dopaminergic. The D2Sh being coupled to TAAR1, leads to on activation by an agonist, activation of TAAR1 which controls opening and closing of dopamine transporters, when activated, resulted in DAT being deactivated and thus increasing synaptic dopamine concentrations)

Theres a balance, in the case of alpha2 noradrenergic autoreceptor agonists between depression of adrenergic firing, and a sedative effect, and after a little further effect of this kind, a compensatory increase in noradrenaline is initiated IIRC, theres an overall calming and attention focusing effect, but takes kind of a hill-shaped profile, with a sweet-spot, if that makes sense between depression of noradrenergic signalling, and arousal (by this I don't mean emotional depression, but reduction in neurotransmission due to decreased noradrenaline release, and this having a damping effect on hyperarousal which itself can throw one off track, without at the same time having the dose TOO large, which causes quite a strong sedative effect. Also, for those with very low blood pressure (enough to be a clinically significant problem that is) would want to avoid it, since both the alpha2 adrenergic autoreceptor agonism, and, with these clonidine and related drugs, they interact with imidazoline receptors which also produces a hypotensive effect. Ren-since your asthmatic, do check with your doctor and make sure he knows about the asthma and its degree, since adrenaline is a bronchodilator, and so are reliever inhalers, although clonidine decreases noradrenaline/adrenaline release it does not produce a direct blockade of the beta-type adrenoreceptors, and relievers such as salbutamol (aka albuterol) and the like are directly stimulatory of beta type adrenoreceptors and themselves bronchodilatory without having to be in the presence of prior adrenergic stimulation of bronchodilatory adrenoreceptors in order to exert their effect.

Primary side effects with clonidine are in getting used to it, one rapidly becomes able to tolerate it if there are side effects, same with tizanidine (a similar drug, I take both, so am in a fairly good position to answer any 'what is it like' kind of questions. I have never taken guanfacine however, or lofexidine two similar drugs. Tizanidine is more short acting, than clonidine, but much more 'in your face' with higher doses getting used to it. First time I ever took the higher dose pills I found myself nodding in and out of sleep, with my head falling to my chest as if on opiates nodding out. Non-addictive, but if taken longterm and abruptly discontinued in high enough doses then they can cause a rebound physical effect of jitteriness, anxiety, shaky hands and increased blood pressure due to increased noradrenaline release. I have experienced that, after my psycho bitch former housemate stole and hid my meds (borderline fucking freak psychobitch from hell she was, a control-hungry power-game-playing poster child for postnatal abortion via dr.martens clinic (I.e a boot to stamp on her head as a newborn would have been a good thing for the world :P) and the rebound, since I was taking a high dose of tizanidine, along with moderate clonidine dose, (near the most prescribable here for the tizanidine according to GP guidelines) it was fucking nasty the rebound. Completely lacking psychological addictive nature of any kind. And lacking psychotic hell-born whorefiends to cause such trouble, there should be no reason for such to happen in the first place.

All in all, my experience with both/either has been very positive. And damn good at overload-proofing, or at least serving as some pharmacological body-armor against autie/aspie type overloading. The only other, psycho borderline toxic hellbitch-independent side effect I myself ever get is with really high doses, which can cause orthostatic hypotension, low blood pressure upon suddenly rising too quickly from a recumbent position to an upright stance. This causes blood pressure to drop due to vasodilatation induced by the alpha2 agonist drug/s that takes a moment for the body to sense this and for a compensatory response. The way to react to this, which is easily recognizable in that it produces dizziness, in strongly pronounced cases, clouding of vision, and a ringing sound in the ears, is to hold on to something or lean against something, and to bend at the waist, so the heart has to work less hard to send blood round the body, and to rise from this position when the side effect eases off at a slower rate so the body can compensate more smoothly for it.

With a really large dose, or overdose, its quite capable of putting you flat on your back due to profound hypotension.
Do check, ren, about asthma with this drug. I would hope for it not to be much of an issue, but talk with your doctor about this, and ideally if you start, start low and work up as suits you and as needed if needed. Its always possible to put more of a drug IN to the body, far more difficult to take it out once it is in there or have to counteract it. Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, if you really need to, induce noradrenaline release systemically in the periphery (I.e outside the blood-brain barrier) if you must counteract the effects of the drug then and there.

Also nasal congestion can be a side effect. Xylometazoline or oxymetazoline nasal drops or ephedrine nasal drops work best, I prefer the former two, and get it on a script since I take high doses of the tizanidine alongside clonidine the congestion can be really annoying with being on a lot of the two, so I get an otrivine nasal spray/drops a week, and if it gets bothersome a drop or two up the nose clears it right up, counteracting this localized effect with a localized, nonsystemic response that is completely effective in remedying any such congestion.  One or two squirts up each nostril and it clears up in a minute or two at most.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6901 on: July 05, 2017, 04:16:40 AM »
Yeah, I have been wondering about the clonidine/asthma combination. I'm calling my psych on Friday about it.

Also, I take Rhinocort every night for a blocked nose due to general dust and cat allergies. Works pretty well.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6902 on: July 07, 2017, 05:26:02 AM »
I rang my psychiatrist this afternoon and let him know that the risperidone has been making me feel unwell and that my tics are back.

I asked about clonidine and he said it can be used for ADHD but it's risky because if you forget a dose or can't keep a dose down (from vomiting), for example, then the blood pressure can shoot up to a dangerous level.

So we're going to talk about it at my next appointment in a month's time  (I can't afford one sooner). In the meantime, he said to bin the risperidone and go back to taking haloperidol. I'm fine with that. I have been feeling so awful on risperidone.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6903 on: July 09, 2017, 09:18:49 PM »
I'm feeling a lot better now.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6904 on: July 10, 2017, 01:55:47 PM »
The risk of a massive BP spike I think he is overstating. You'd need to be on a large dose before that happens. And if your vomiting etc. then you don't actually have to swallow it. The pills I've had, I've had two different brands, one with a sugar coat and more commonly one without, are tiny, since by weight clonidine is very potent. The pills I take contain 25 micrograms a piece, nominally I'm meant to take,  I forget but either two 3x a day or 1 3x daily, but I vary it as and how I feel I need to, to the extent that I've used up to a few mg at a time as a response to some particularly nasty ass stressful event/s (don't do that without a hefty tolerance to the drug or your BP will bottom out and put you flat on your cute lil ass:P seriously, you won't be able to do much more than twitch a finger, if you remain conscious.

And the tablets, don't really need swallowing. If you need it to act fast they can go under the tongue or between cheek and gum, with or without crunching them up to help break them to bits if they have a sugar coating. A patch form is also available, catapress, although I've never used it myself, I just know its available, as a time-released trnsdermal patch which delivers the drug through the skin, like nicotine patches, or fentanyl ones. Although going from my experience with the brief time I was at one point, given a fentanyl patch script for my joint pain, that was utter bollocks, took ages to do what little it did, and did more or less bollocks all without my rendering it down to a shootable form. They come off and won't go back on, stick poorly and generally are a total complete and utter pain in the arsehole.

Put it this way. I got given an opiod 100x the potency of morphine, and I was back the very next day begging for the oxycodone script I had back instead because it was so utterly crap I was actually in withdrawal because they worked so poorly, until I made it shootable. Ended up using what was meant to be a weeks worth in half  a day. Inefficient and a twatting great nuisance.

(no, as you can guess I do not much like transdermal patches. I've had nicotine ones, scopolamine/hyoscine patches for nausea and fentanyl patches and they all sucked dick like a giant vacuum attached to a bell-end factory.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6905 on: July 10, 2017, 04:54:15 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6906 on: July 10, 2017, 05:32:56 PM »
About patches, I have had oestrogen ones once and boy, did they ever stick. And when I finally peeled them off, they left residue. Sticky residue. I had to scrub at it.

They were horrible. Made me feel premenstrual ALL the time. I puffed up with fluid, boobs always sore, headaches and period pain without the period. Plus my mental health nosedived which sucked. Went to my regular GP and begged to come off the bloody patches. She said it was fine and so I peeled the last one off right there and then which amused the doc.

Never, ever again.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6907 on: July 11, 2017, 02:49:31 AM »
I know what you mean Ren. Well not about the being premenstrual, being on the rag without being on the rag, sore boobs or period pain. But about patches sucking arab dick. They really are the pits aren't they.

Damn doc that gave me the fent neglected to do as she should and give me a dose or two of a long lasting strong oral  opiate to cover the (long) time between the patch being first applied to the skin and the actual beginning of action of the drug. And put me on patches that supplied way too low a dose. Even if an opiate is 100x the potency, milligram for milligram, you still have to give a patient enough of it to be sufficient for their tolerance level and actually WORK. It isn't magic, its science, an active dose is an active dose, regardless of how strong the drug in question is, and if not given then the patient A-won't benefit, and B-if already a chronic pain patient is going to go into withdrawal.

The only plus side was that I'd gotten the oxycontin 80 script I usually had at the time the day before. Day after, got the fent, allegedly a week worth. Went back the next day to be put back on the oxy 80s, and the doc actually gave me another week's worth of those, so two week's worth of OC80s in one week plus the fent patches, no questions were asked about those, so I just used them as a one-off treat, although I'm not a big fan of fentanyl, if its thrown into my lap so to speak I'm not going to flush it down the loo. So basically I was free to just use those to extract, shoot and get wasted.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6908 on: July 17, 2017, 04:18:15 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6909 on: July 17, 2017, 05:12:13 PM »
Morning meds taken - at 6:45am.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6910 on: July 22, 2017, 01:27:13 PM »
Oops. Forgot again. It's been a really bad week, med-wise.
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6911 on: July 22, 2017, 04:14:04 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6912 on: July 25, 2017, 01:07:51 AM »
Yes. Did take an extra capsule of chlormethiazole, after waking up after just a couple of hours sleep (thats being a night owl, an autie and a chemist all rolled into one for you:P) because I felt the 'aura' of a seizure threatening. It didn't happen though, the extra chlormethiazole dose squashed it like a bug under tank tracks :)

Just took the ACTUAL morning dose of it a moment ago along with a few caps of oxy opened up and sent up the ol' hooter :P

Wakes me up far better and friendlier to my body and its individual quirks etc. than does coffee. Won't say no to a nice honeyed cup of tea, preferably a good quality white tea though, especially with some fresh lemon balm infusion used to steep the tea bag *teabags QV :P:P:P:P*. That combination (the balm and honey with it) make for a really good brew, especially with white teas and their delicate flavour. I've been wondering about, for when balm isn't growing in season, how lemon-grass might perform with a stick or two added to a cup of tea. Anyone thought of it before me and tried it?
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6913 on: July 25, 2017, 03:56:43 PM »
  Took all the regular ones plus quite a lot of ibuprofen for the shoulder pain.  :P
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Re: Did you take your meds today?
« Reply #6914 on: July 25, 2017, 04:31:10 PM »
The PR  :thumbup:

Me I don't remember, probably not  :thumbdn:
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.
