Took oxycodone, cimetidine, a LITTLE bit of morphia, just enough to avoid any withdrawals, and had me a 5mg moggy.
Fuckin lurvely stuff, I wuvs my moggies, don't care for benzodiazepines generally but for moggies (nitrazepam) I make an exception, loprazolam, flubromazepam, nifoxipam and flubromazolam I like too, alhough benzo binding site GABAa ligands aren't my thing really, I prefer agonists for the barbiturate binding site, or things like valerian that target the loreclezole site.
Always wanted to try loreclezole itself, as well as the benzo flunitrazepam, aka rohypnol, roofies. I'd LOVE to get roofied then used by ye rettdevil whilst I'm out cold, get tied up by her and used as a meat toy, and have kassi video it to show me whilst I'm tied up, once I come round from the roofies to see what she'd done to me:P
I've been wanting to try flunitrazolam too. Triazolobenzodiazepines are usually highly potent, very hypnotic having strong affinity for benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAa receptors having alpha1 subunits, also I really want to try at least one GABAa agonist neurosteroid, and some other orthosteric GABAa agonists (I.e those that like muscimol, the active in fly agaric mushrooms, that bind to the GABA binding site itself, plus some GABA-transaminase inhibitors other than the one I've had, lemon balm)
But generally speaking, benzos aren't so much my thing GABAa wise other than the nitrobenzodiazepines, some triazolobenzos such as flubromazolam, and fluorinated benzos are meant to kick ass. Also, always wanted to try nimetazepam, a methylated version of nitrazepam, only used in japan and a couple of other countries, under the band name erimin, meant to be a very, very special benzo.
Barbiturates and other barb-site agonists such as chlormethiazole and the brominated homolog of chlormethiazole, bromethiazole as I call it, lol, those are what I like, plus orthosteric GABAa agonists like muscimol, I love me some fly agaric.