Yes most of them; a long and very refreshing nap took place and supervened my finishing swallowing the pills in my hand. Having taken my instant release oxycodone instantly additionally, chlormethiazole freebase acts very, very rapidly and is most efficacious its effects.
Just a quick dose of the IR oxycodone before leaving to buy grapefruit juice with the bitty pulp fragments left in it, so I'd not be left limping as much as the option of going without. Got back and not terribly long after, having loaded up on chow of various kinds, drinks, mainly my favourite, cartons of fresh, bitty-pulpy grapefruit juice, unsweetened, as I love its bitterness-tangy-ness with its mere afterthought of sweet, as a leftover of my childhood when times were spent at my grandma's up in the yorkshire moors, as one of her kindly set out table loaded with breakfast options to choose as freely as I wish from, so long as I didn't waste, the grapefruit segments and fresh grapefruits were always my favourites with just a pinch of sugar on the fruit halves as I gouged the segments out with a spoon/knife.
Got home with my shopping and drained a few cartons of the grapefruit juice to the last drop, a milkshake or two, took a muscle relaxer and slept perfectly, catching up on lots of sleep I'd kinda forgone, throwing myself into my ars, artes et in tempora longa consumptus laboratorium:P
Slept like a baby. And now just waking up, feeding the body, first with a quick bit of energy to wake me up, have a ciggy, and then prepare to go a-shopping for the good things that make a laboratory into a temple to the arts scientific:)
After, of course, labelling a vial with the formula for the product of last night's work, recrystallizing it from a little boiling methanol whilst watching family guy, american dad and bordertown, quickly dessicating it. Although a glass vial will have to be used, for the product is both fairly volatile, and like the end compound planned for this particular one, an intermediate, although not as much as the end product it cannot be stored in most plastics I should think. For it is iffy with some certainly, and the end compound is brutal on plastics, and dissolves them like say. benzene, tolly or xylene.
After however, a mug of chocolate fudge brownie milkshake I topped off with a big great spiralling blob of squirty cream from a can. Scrummy:D