Would if I HAD any, if I hadn't been shafted by stupidity and absentminded drs. Instead just feeling damn sorry for myself, or would have been. Instead, reduced to going out to fucking score on the street. Ugh. But damn it to tartarus if I am going to suffer for somebody else's failing. If it'd been my own fault, then fair enough, but I don't feel like I should have to endure ANYTHING whatsoever, because someone else forgets to sign my damn rx, and its a bank holiday making it impossible to do so.
Had to get a few emergency dose units of my antiseizure med last night, a pharm tech actually just fucked the rules off to make sure I had enough to safely carry out a synth of something close to it without seizing and breaking my equipment/exposing myself to toxic chemicals.
Much much later on,evening.....yes, yes I did. Not exactly but yes, I had two things to fulfill the role of analgesia. Met a person who arranged an appointment for me to be seen within moments by an.....analgesia specialist........who....did exactly that, provided what was required with neither fuss nor delay.

I feel much better now, and the steds are bringing my inflamed face and feet down. Lol some random cunt in thee city center made sarky arsed remarks about my not needing the crutch I was using to provide some extra support, because I had gone from my impromptu...appointment with the good sir, with a spring in my step and twirled the crutch in one hand, spinning in between my fingers with a grin on my face. Crisis averted.
Felt better already then and I hadn't even HAD any of the proffered cure for what ails me then, only a bit of tincture of opium and chilli pepper oleoresin (beats the shite out of me, too why its made with OC in it. Can't be to denature it like methylated spirit is made w/ MeOH and pyridine to poison drinkers but render it way too abominably foul smelling for even a suicidal, blind alcoholic to put within their mouth, so it can be sold without tax, because the tincture of opium is MADE for human oral administration, its specifically intended for that route. But for something usually used for stomach upsets, putting chilli pepper extract in it makes sod all sense to me. Not that it bothers me because I'll quite happily slug back tabasco habanero sauce from the bottle and go back for another swig, could see some people, especially with stomach upsets being bothered by it though, although it isn't what I'd call fiery.)
That said, for all that my innards hate me, I seem to have an asbestos lining to my insides when it comes to fire sauce and my idea of good spices, taken from the wild, chillies, black pepper, szcechuan [sp???] pepper, piper longum, piper cubeba, peppery boletus and polygonum hydropiper [bistort relative that grows on riverbanks and in bogs/swamps, a herbaceous plant with fiery hot leaves and shoots], pink pepper, I like every one of those, I've got rather a 'thing' for adventurousness when it comes to spices and seasonings when I find time to cook, I like to explore. Like my use of fly agaric mushrooms, use as a traditional siberian intoxicant is well enough known and us warmer westerners occasionally venture into that, but I've never, ever even heard of anyone else trying that out, the only other person I've known to eat that mushroom in anything, is my dad, and thats only because I'm the one cooking the pot of chilli con carne and it goes in every one I make, I love it, he complained I'd 'ruin it all' doing that and adding the peppery boletus, but no, he's eaten it enough times and not seen my adding it and never bitched about the taste one iota. And never complained after he did know I always use them, assuming I have enough to add to a dish TO use, I can never find enough peppery boletes for the whole of the following year and next until the next fruiting season.