Started with hypermeds this morning, by accident. I usually don't take them, when working. It was only when I swallowed it that I realised this was not big enough to be the antibiotic capsule. 
Oh well, had that directly after the hyper pill. Amazing isn't it, how quick my concentration and focus got better after swallowing the methylphenidate. 
Why don't you take them when working? That's when I need mine.
My work gives me both structure, and change of scene. Tasks are very clear, and they all make sense too. It's not hard to stay focused. Most of the times I do not need them, when working there. At home, in the afternoon, that is when my focus is completely gone, and that is the time when I need to prepare a meal, make sure the ladies get their homework done, that they get fed and that they get in bed in time too. It's very easy for me to lose track there. And, my kids are perfectly normal when it comes to their moods and shorter fuses right before dinner time on top of my confusion.

There are weeks I can go without any methylphenidate, and it all goes well. When everything seems to collapse around me, structure and focus wise, I put myself on the medication regime, till it works all well enough to let it slip again. I like what the meds do for my focus, but I also love the random brain wanderings I have without them. My doctor is OK with how I use them. Soon she may hand me over to the GP for check-ups. I asked her to note down how I use it, and how that is good for me for the GP, when that time comes.