Sort of. Picked up my refill earlier today morning, but only got round to doing a morning shot of oxy, as I've been all sleepy, wake'n'bake, and I picked up new books yesterday, the hunger games and its sequel in the trilogy. I want the one i don't have now though. Read through the both books last night from start to very last page, read the first one then the one after it

Lol one thing about me, is that I am a very VERY quick reader. If I get a really good book to get stuck into, with nothing that absolutely must be done, no distractions then the most likely outcome is that I'll have read the book without ever putting it down, not uncommonly reading it cover to cover in a matter of hours, even for a huge book. like LOTR, or multiple books in a series. Really recommend the hunger games series so far. Loved the first books, literally unputdownable other than when I went either for a piss, or for a bong.
So I got majorly distracted, just took the pain meds, although now I'm reminded, having forced my arse to move, check email and such things. Best take the rest now I think of it; not to mention get one of the toasted cheesy sandwiches I picked up yesterday whilst sat to eat in a cafe down my neck, more than one come to think of it, not to mention some of the nice cold bottles of carling citrus I grabbed on my way home yesterday.
I'm ravenous after waking up from all that walking and eventually falling asleep after my looooooooooooooong reading marathon.