122/74, Heart rate 58. (I have always had a relatively low heart rate, a very healthy, strong heart, despite my inherited tendency towards high blood pressure, showing up only in the past few years. This fact alone lead several doctors to ignore my impending problems with hypertension)
(anyone else care to share?)
This is still considered "Pre-Hypertension" in the medical books. Not to be ignored. Not fucking bad at all for a man my age (fifty five and STILL COUNTING-GODDAMNIT), but damn stressful to think that I have to take four different medications to attain this level.
Basically ... :lol:
... stepping in here, again, I just took all my seventeen pills, mostly vitamins, nutrients, anti-oxidants and "megas" (such as two milligrams of B12, two grams of vitamin C per day, for instance, minerals, etc.), mind you.
Only ones that are vital are the four BP meds, or five, if I was to count the (doctor suggested - despite my old drinking habits and the possibility of future sever liver damage - :grin:) daily aspirin regimen.
So far *crosses fingers* my blood pressure is normal, but who knows, I may have inherited my father's tendency toward hypertension...time will tell.
You mention the risk of liver damage...do you have regular blood tests to monitor your liver function as you take all those meds? 
My liver is super-perfect, as of my last test.
I go for a blood test to check all my "levels," every other month.
I used to just go every three months, but this hi-tech shite that my doc has me on for hypertension is more risky than when I was just taking a beta-blocker (for ventricular tachycardia - not sure why I have issues with my heart valves, but my YOUNGER brother recently had major surgery to repair one of his heart valves and replace two others.) and anti-depressants (tried several - do not take them anymore, being that all they ever did was make me cry all the time or at least want to cry alll the time or become even more violent that my normal state.
The decision to stop experimenting with anti-depressant drugs was mine, after some legal troubles from two altercations a couple of years ago. (read back a couple of years and you will find what I posted about putting someone in the hospital for a road rage incident - his rage, not mine - along with a few mentions of the ensuing investigation and lawsuit I had to suffer. I was defending myself against his idiocy, but I went WAY overboard on his ass. I did not follow my traning well at all.)
I have a hard time with anti-depressants. They really do not work for me. They have the opposite effect on me from what they were invented to do, as do a great many chemicals, for instance, in my younger days, cocaine put me right to sleep - I had some hypo-sensory issues to deal with in my extremities, in that I lost all my sense of touch, but once my mind took over the drug, my body responded in opposite form from what would what would be expected of the drug. I have a long history of such oppposite effects from many regular drug things. Thank fuck-in-a-bucket, that Ibuprofen and Tylenol seem to do for me what they are supposed to do.)