Took a Xanax.
They are one of the nastiest tasting pills around 
I bet Edronax is worse. It sometimes make me gag when I take it. It is the only antidepressant I know of that has to be taken twice a day.
You would think they could come up with a pleasant coating like Tic Tac's
I just took mine dry, Adderall tastes a bit like Pez
Mmm yes, orange Tic Tacs would be nice. I used to take Lamictal and that tasted like blackcurrant, don't see why they couldn't do that with other medications.
As far as I know, we don't have Adderall in Australia.
Orange Tic Tacs
That is what kiddie aspirin tasted like when I was a child I loved it
Kiddie aspirin from Bayer?
The kid paracetamol I have here tastes like peppermints.
Oh, and yes, did use the meds.