Lestat might be prejudiced,or [insert your favourite Lestat slur here here] , but he said what he said, it was cogent enough, for what it's worth; and he presumably meant it quite seriously . Of course, anyone at all has a right to challenge him about it, but Odeon was coming across as saying that Lestat's lowly socio-economic status invalidated his opinion, and he had nothing further to say than that. He didn't actually address Lestat's arguments at all. Not that I can blame people for not troubling to address Lestat's arguments (neither did I, come to that) but let's not pretend that we've addressed those arguments.
There were no arguments, just the usual bigoted bullshit. It deserves no discussion, just a flame, and I was being far nicer than what he deserved. If he, or anyone else for that matter, wants to see what the world is really like, there is always Google.
And his bigotry invalidates his opinions, not his social status.