I find that confusing... As long as you don't have to pay anything, that is good, though. 
Was it to do whether you can drive or not? I think you said you were wondering whether it was safe for you to start driving again or something. Or I could be completely on the wrong track here.
Your memory is right.
I had an EEG for two reasons. One was my own, wanted to find out if the black-outs I had, and the partial fall-outs were epilepsy or not. The other reason was that the woman who was (kind of) testing me for ADD didn't want to proceed without an EEG. The outcome is that my blackouts and partial fall-outs are not epilepsy. Eventually, I might take up driving again, without medication for epilepsy.
The woman who had sent me there made mistake after mistake, and had me waiting for months before I had a referral. Good thing of all the waiting is that she is gone now. I have a new person to talk to, and, he is so much more effective and active. The one session I had with him, we did more than in 7 sessions with that woman. Even when he does not believe in ADD as a separate diagnosis next to an ASD.