Hope the headache I feel hanging over my head will not kick in.
And no matter how crook the girls are, they will be off to school. If they feel crap, they brought it on themselves, and I have no mercy on them what so ever.
My rules were for staying home sick were:
Fever 100 degrees or over
Vomiting the night before
Diarrhea the night before
Doctor's orders
My mum used to say we had to either have a high fever, be vomiting, or bleeding profusely if we wanted to stay home from school.
I have a different approach for both girls. The oldest looks a bit like me, and is able to go to school, unaware of a high fever. So, I am usually the one telling her she is staying home. The youngest has more a tendency to think she will not possibly make it to school, so, I push her a lot more to go.
They both did have diarrhoea for two days, and, had hardly slept the night before. But, them not sleeping last night was their own choice, and diarrhoea was not going to be a valid excuse this morning.