I have tickets!!!
I will attend one of the most incredible spectacles in racing. I plan to leave the house at around four AM and claim my seat in turn four by eight AM.
I will most likely break my four month long alcohol fast, tomorrow (well, most people do for this event), and quite expectedly, before noon.
I am going to the Indianapolis 500 for my twelfth time, but it will be the first time for me in five years.

Hope you had fun, DirtDawg.
I did.
I have never ever seen such a small crowd, though. This "Greatest Spectacle In Racing" may be ending.
I have NEVER made it home so early. There just were NOT that many attendees, as in years before. It is not just that I am remembering with "Rose Colored Glasses," either. The race started at the same time as always, I stayed to the bitter end and there just was NOT as much traffic. It normally (used to) take four hours to get home after the race, but this time I got home in less than three hours.
Anyway, I had fucking blast!@!!