My small canadian town is full of hippies and socialists.
Me and Chucki walk around yelling "FUCK THE LIBERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "FUCK OBAMA HE'S A SOCIALIST"
they don't do anything but yell "what did you say?" " "FUCK YOU" and keep smoking pot.
EVERYONE HERE SMOKES POT. It's a normal thing. In the parking lots it's all you can smell.
In B.C we got the best bud. It's world famous.
The worst thing that happened is we had a fat lady yell at us.
Theirs only two cops on island.
So they don't see us disturbing the peace.
They don't see the pot smokers.
If you want to commit suicide go to a little town texas and yell "FUCK GUNS FUCK BIBLES AND FUCK BUSH"
You will get shot. Or beaten to death by those hard covered bibles cause they don't want to waste their ammo on your sorry hide.
Trolling IRL is the best cause you see the looks on peoples faces.
"trolling irl" = "mindfuck" before i was aware of the term "to troll" back in high school

reminds me of a "political satire" show we have here, w 1 host, 2 regulars + 2 guests, where all they do is basically randomly troll each others, and derail topic

its my favorite show, and i hate almost all tv