LED's are fairly durable, but that's pretty good. Especially since it was still on when you found it.

Back when laptops where the "newest" thing and cost a small fortune, my dad's boss happened to get lucky and got one for use on the job.
Unfortunately he left it sitting on the back of a cart they used to get up & down the lock wall with. My dad & another guy set out in the cart, never seeing the laptop on back, hit a bump, and the laptop flew off the cart and went straight into the river.
They managed to fish it out, and him and the other guy shook the water out and spent the next 2 days taking turns trying to dry the thing out over a portable heater before the boss was due back on shift.
After 2 days of drying they fired it up to test it and it started right up. They stuck it in the office on his desk and never said a word.