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How to get your assed kicked

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There's so much more to do in Orange County besides go to Disneyland. Dismalland is for tourists. The locals know better places to go.  ;)

I loved a lot of the "old dowtown" areas in Fullerton, City of Orange, Anaheim, Huntington Beach, etc... There's some good dive bars out there too.


--- Quote from: Anarcho-Syndicalheap on March 21, 2010, 11:38:12 PM ---There's so much more to do in Orange County besides go to Disneyland. Dismalland is for tourists. The locals know better places to go.  ;)

I loved a lot of the "old dowtown" areas in Fullerton, City of Orange, Anaheim, Huntington Beach, etc... There's some good dive bars out there too.

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I'd :plus: you for "Dismalland," but I don't think you'd like that.  :zoinks:

*buys you a round in one of those dive bars instead*
There you are! ----->  :fiveshots:


--- Quote from: Scrapmire on March 21, 2010, 11:18:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: Phlexor on March 20, 2010, 05:30:17 PM ---Talking about John Wayne, did you know that the character of Optimus Prime from the 80's Transformers cartoon was based on John Wayne.

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My life is completed now.  :green:

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I saw an opportunity to divulge some built up useless information and I took it.


--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on March 20, 2010, 01:19:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: Anarcho-Syndicalheap on March 20, 2010, 12:06:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on March 20, 2010, 11:59:25 AM ---We have a john wayne street downtown.  :o

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Where do you live??

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Lol indiana.

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Zere iss no "Lol" listed in towns and cities of Indiana. Vat's up viz dat?  ???

(Kidding! Kidding!  No need to clarify!)


--- Quote from: couldbecousin on March 19, 2010, 08:13:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: Anarcho-Syndicalheap on March 19, 2010, 08:11:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on March 19, 2010, 04:23:36 PM ---A lot of people say Lance is a gay name, and thats my name.

Nobody ever picked on me for that though. I got a few noogies for being short, and for looking like a girl when I was a kid. But not my name.  :zoinks:

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Logan is more gay than Lance IMO.

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Who's Logan?  :snowman:

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Wolverine lawl


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