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How to get your assed kicked

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--- Quote from: parts on March 18, 2010, 08:10:44 PM ---

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Al Swearegen:
Go to one of those commercial businesses with trained angry doberman guard dogs and a high fence, dressed up as a cat.

Taunt them and scale the fence.

John Wayne's name @ birth was Marion Morrison. If that ain't a fag's name then I don't know what.  >:D  :laugh:


--- Quote from: punkdrew on March 19, 2010, 11:01:45 AM ---John Wayne's name @ birth was Marion Morrison. If that ain't a fag's name then I don't know what.

--- End quote ---

It's the "Boy Named Sue" syndrome. With a name like that, you'd better be tough!  :boxers: :arrr: :litigious:

Also, Pat Robertson's real first name is Marion. Maybe in the olden days it was a more common choice for a boy's name.   :2thumbsup:

A lot of people say Lance is a gay name, and thats my name.

Nobody ever picked on me for that though. I got a few noogies for being short, and for looking like a girl when I was a kid. But not my name.  :zoinks:


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