That's a great idea for a food service solution to a family gathering!
We have actually done that for years for any holiday where family visits are the thing. Yep, even Christmas.
It started due to the immediate family on my wife's side growing to be too big for two tables.
We decided that who ever hosts the get together day will handle the meat and everyone else brings a side dish or a dessert to the "party."
That evolved into SCREW IT! We'll order from a deli counter a few days ahead and have them do all the work. I'd walk out from the deli with a large sliced meat tray, veggie tray, cheese tray, cracker, bread and condiment tray and a fruit tray. Bowls of chips and more bread and crackers were available also. That and a few gallons of iced tea and pop for those inclined.
I'm done!
All anyone brought was a dessert, if they wanted. Everyone made candy or pastries they were proud to share, so there was never any shortage of sweets.
Yes, I dropped a bit of coin for convenience, but the next one in the rotation will pick up the tab, next year.
I hope your mom enjoys her visit and everyone gets to spend some time with her.
I'm looking forward to my first fire in my new pit. I came today and I still have to assemble the thing, but this will be so much easier than a huge stack of rocks for a firepit.