i hate axl.
his punk ass bitch attitude cost me several years of music pleasure.
if he wasn't such a twat, they would still be turning them out in original form.
I doubt that unless you mean with another singer- I saw 'Guns N Roses' performing live on TV a couple of months back- I think he was the only remaining member and he couldn't even sing by himself anymore. It was pitiful, there was another guy on stage with him singing more than half of the lines for him. 
I consider it one of my guilty pleasures that I still occasionally like to listen to them 
they effectively broke up 15 years ago. but even the time between appetitie and use your illusion was 5 years.
as a new sensation at the time, they should have whipped out 3-4 albums in that time frame.
i blame dissention (because of axl) for them not havinig produced more music.
that punk arsed be-otch.